Diesel Locomotive Variants & Differences ..
Unlike the steam locomotives, of which the paint schemes and superdetailing were close amongst the three pairs: numbers 10 and 11, numbers 12 and 13, and numbers 14 and 15; (and with 16 being one of a kind); the diesel locomotives however were all different in some detail or another.
The following illustrations better exemplify the various differences in the details and paint schemes of the diesel locomotives of the Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal throughout the years.
The side elevation drawing is from the Michael Eby (http://trainiax.net/drawings/) website, customized and colored by the author. The front and rear elevation drawings was created from scratch and colored by the author. Special thanks to Joseph Roborecky, Jose Feliciano and Paul Strubeck for their assistance.
For your information, the sound file that plays when this page is opened, is of an actual ALCo S1.
1962 - ca. 1973
ca. 1973 - January 1977
January 1977 - 1983
1/1977: 9/1978:
ca. 1965 - 1976
1976 - 1983 (with variations)
. 1977 1978 9/1978 1980 1982
ca. 1964 - 1976
May 1976 - 1983?
5/1976: 12/1976: 9/1978: .
ca. 1963 - November 1976
bell mounted under frame i/f/o battery box (engineers side),
November 1976 - 1979 (with variations)
11/1976: 9/1978: 12/1979: .
1973 - January? 1976
bell mounted on cowl (enginners side) as built for Erie RR, nose stripe skips headlight #25 did not have safety stripes on pilot steps in 1971, but did have have them by 1972. #25 has a rather significant dent on the right side of the nose just under the hood stripe. It was acquired with this dent.
January 1976 - 1979
1979 - 1983
9/1978: 1979:
ca 1965 - 1976
ca. 1976 - 1979
ca.1979: ca.1979: 11/1979: 1981: 1983:
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