Looking out the north yard entrance at 43rd Street parallel to First Avenue
- 2007
Subway car ramp on left edge of photo. This is the northeast corner of the
Bush Terminal Yard.
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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Looking south on First Avenue- Trackage leads to customer between 43rd and
44th Streets.
Bush Terminal Yard to right of photo. |
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First Avenue & 43rd Street.
Looking north. Bush Terminal Yard lead on left edge of photo. |
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First Avenue & 43rd Street
Looking South. Customer lead on right, Bush Terminal Yard lead up center
of photo. |
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First Avenue and 43rd Street
Looking north. Original northbound Bush Terminal trackage (out of service),
with new dual direction trackage on left. |
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First Avenue between 43rd and 42nd Street - Looking south
Bush Terminal Yard Lead turnout - double point tongue & nape switch.
Left track to customer between 43rd and 44th Street, right track to Bush
Terminal Yard. |
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First Avenue & 42nd Street - Looking South
Single point tongue & nape turnout. Left track to unidentified customer.
This turnout and left siding not currently used, switch point is welded into
main line routing position |
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First Avenue & 42nd Street - Looking north
Single point tongue & nape turnout in foreground leads to northbound
tracks up 41st Street.
This turnout welded in main line position. |
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First Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets - Looking north
Right track is northbound track on 41st Street.
Left track enters another single point tongue & nape turnout for southbound
track up 41st Street or
continues straight on First Avenue to Yi Pin Food Product siding at 40th
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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First Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets - Looking northeast
The single point tongue & nape track turnout leading to southbound
track on 41st Street (right track)
Left track continues straight up First Avenue to Yi Pin Food Products
and soon to be the new First Avenue access to the 39th Street Yard!
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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First Avenue between 41st and 42nd Streets - Looking northeast
The single point tongue & nape turnout for either First Avenue / Yi Pin
Food Product siding (straight track on left)
or southbound track up 41st Street (curving track on right). |
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4101 First Avenue
Looking east. The two tracks are the "main line" curving east onto 41st Street
from First Avenue.
Clearance on the inside track to the building is so close, that long
cars (60' +) have gouged the bricks
(to the left of the blue & white sign) on the corner of the building!
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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First Avenue & 41st Street - Looking east
Track in foreground is Yi Pin lead. |
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First Avenue and 41st Street - Looking north
Yi Pin track lead. |
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First Avenue & 41st Street - Looking south.
The "main line" up 41st Street can be made out in front of the van.
The segment of track behind the photographer curves into Yi Pin Food
A turnout will be installed at approximately this location and new track
will be extended into the 39th Street Yard,
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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First Avenue & 40th Street - Looking northeast
Yi Pin siding curving behind building.
The new routing to 39th Street Yard once constructed will continue straight
from this location and under the truck in photo to 39th Street Yard. |
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Looking south from First Avenue & 40th Street - 2007
Note the severely damaged guard lip on the outer rail due to heavy commercial
traffic and snowplows.
The segment of track behind the photographer curves into Yi Pin Food
The proposed turnout will be installed just behind the tractor trailer in
the photo the track will be extended into the 39th Street Yard.
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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Looking northeast on Yi Pin Food Products siding - 2007
P. F. Strubeck photo |
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First Avenue & 40th Street - Looking west.
This out of service switchback siding leads into the structure on the west
side of First Avenue directly opposite Yi Pin Food Products.
To access this building, trains must back into Yi Pin Siding with locomotive
trailing car(s), throw turnout, reverse direction and
push cars across First Avenue into building. This track will presumably be
removed upon construction of new 39th Street Yard lead. |
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Second Avenue between 39th and 37th Streets - Looking southeast.
The "new" Bush Junction.
Left track is South Brooklyn Railway lead around Costco Wholesale Club to
38th Street & Third Avenue Yard.
Right track is out of service Second Avenue trackage to Bush Terminal Yard. |
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Second Avenue between 39th and 37th Streets - Looking east.
Showing South Brooklyn Railway lead around Costco Wholesale Club to 38th
Street & Third Avenue Yard. |
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Second Avenue between 39th and 37th Streets - Looking south.
The "new" Bush Junction.
Left track is South Brooklyn Railway lead around Costco Wholesale Club to
38th Street & Third Avenue Yard.
Right track is now out of service trackage to Bush Terminal Yard. It is former
original Bush Terminal northbound track. |
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Second Avenue between 39th and 37th Streets - Looking north.
Track on right side of photo is out of service trackage to Bush Terminal.
South Brooklyn Railway trackage visible entering the street as lamppost on
right edge of photo.
Look carefully at asphalt in foreground: the original Bush Junction trackage
can be seen coming through the pavement. |
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Second Avenue between 41st and 40th Streets - Looking north.
The original crossover and diamond from the northbound track to southbound
Track on right side of photo is out of service trackage to Bush Terminal.
South Brooklyn Railway trackage visible entering the street as lamppost on
right edge of photo. |
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Second Avenue & 40th Street - Looking south
Diamond in foreground is customer siding off former southbound track.
Crossover from northbound to southbound track can be seen on right edge of
Continuing south, the track can be seen curving under the corner of the warehouse
"Loft 20". |
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Second Avenue & 40th Street - Looking northeast
This is the former customer siding from diamond and former southbound track. |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking north
The northbound track exiting out from under the corner of the warehouse "Loft
20" |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking north
Another angle of the northbound track exiting out from under the corner of
the warehouse "Loft 20", also showing the cut trackage. |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking southwest.
Looking at the northbound track under the corner of the warehouse "Loft 20". |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking west.
Looking at the diamonds at the intersection of Second Avenue & 41st Street. |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking northwest.
Looking at the diamonds and the "tunnel" under the corner of Loft 20. |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking east.
Looking at the diamonds at the intersection of Second Avenue & 41st Street.
This spur running up 41st Street is a former Bush Terminal customer siding. |
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Second Avenue & 41th Street - Looking west.
Looking at the turnout for the 41st Street siding as well as northbound and
southbound trackage running down 41st Street.
North and southbound tracks "duck under" corner of warehouse "Loft 20" behind
and to right of photographer. |
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41st Street
Extremely deteriorated rails! |
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41th Street between Second and First Avenue - Looking west. |
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41th Street between Second and First Avenue.
Showing rail repair (built up weld). |
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41th Street between Second and First Avenue - Looking west. |
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41th Street between Second and First Avenue - Looking east.
The inside rail of southbound track (on left edge of photo) is believed to
have been cut due to the street repair under the steel plate. |
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41th Street at First Avenue - Looking west.
North and Southbound trackage curving to enter the First Avenue alignment. |
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4101 First Avenue
Looking south. The two tracks are the "main line" curving east onto 41st
Street from First Avenue.
Clearance on the inside track to the building is so close, that long
cars (60' +) have gouged the bricks
(to the right of the blue & white sign) on the corner of the building!
P. F. Strubeck photo |