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New York Central & Hudson River RR - Manhattan Freight Operations


High Line West Side Line Improvement Meatpacking District National Biscuit Nabisco cold storage Hells Kitchen Chelsea Village Tribeca upper horse escort manhattan cowboy Eleventh 11 Avenue Tenth 10
Washington Street St. John's Park Freight Terminal street running trackage steam dummy Baldwin American Locomotive ALCO Schenectady 0-4-0 0-6-0 B-B tripower tri-power Lima Shay geared 30th Street Branch 


West Side, Manhattan - Freight Operations
30th Street Branch

Street:  1846 - 1941
High Line (& Tunnel):  1933 (1937) - 1968 
High Line & Tunnel:  1968 - 1976 (Penn Central)
High Line & Tunnel:  1976 - 1980 (Conrail)



Saturday, 11 January 2025 - 23:00

1965 Port Facilities Map Plates added,
St John's Park Terminal History added,
Franklin Street Station interim station added
1/11/2025 New York Central Facilities & Service in Manhattan
Chambers Street Terminal history added 5/20/2024 A Not So Brief History
1937 AP photo of West 60-72 Street Yard 5/12/2024 Property Only
1942 Port Facilities Map Plates added 4/29/2024 Maps
Penn Central ETT added, mail train service history added 4/25/2024 New York Central Facilities & Service in Manhattan
Terminal descriptions and freight handling procedures added
History expanded
0-6-0T Dummy #2, 8, 10, data photos added
4/24/2024 New York Central Facilities & Service in Manhattan
A Not So Brief History
Locomotive Rosters
Photo Gallery
Extensive history 1905-1931 added 4/19/2024 A Not So Brief History
West Side Improvement 1907-1918 legalities added 4/18/2024 A Not So Brief History
Facility Lists and mileage added 4/17/2024 New York Central Facilities & Service in Manhattan
Tri-Power photos added 4/5/2024 High Line: Shay's & Tri-Powers
New York Central & Hudson River Roster, photos and maps added 4/4/2024 Maps
page added 01 April 2024



New York Central & Hudson River / New York Central Railroad

Street & High Line Operations
West Side - Manhattan, NY

A Brief History (ok, maybe not so brief)
The High Line & The Tunnel The Last Ride -
of Man, Horse and Locomotive on the Street


New York Central Facilities & Service in Manhattan Employee Time Tables & Train Symbols Locomotive Confusion


Tellin' 'Em Apart NYC&HR RR / NYC RR
Locomotive Rosters

Manhattan Operations only
Photo Gallery

  • G. W. Bromley Property Maps: 1913, 1921, 1955 
  • Official New York Central Maps
  • 1932 Port Facilities of Port of New York ACoE Maps
  • 1942 Port Facilities of Port of New York ACoE Maps
Memorabilia Bibliography

A Brief History (ok, maybe not so brief...)

   So much has been written on the history of the New York Central Railroad, that I was not going to expound any effort to even publish it here. But, on second thought, as this page is solely dedicated to one small aspect of the huge operational history of the 'Central, and so much misinformation abounded in modern blogs and Facebook groups; a basic synopsis should be outlined.

   Freight operations on the West Side in Manhattan began with the Hudson River Railroad, which was owned by Erastus Corning. The Hudson River Railroad was granted a charter from the city of New York to operate freight and passenger trains south to Chambers Street.

Erastus Corning
December 14, 1794 – April 9, 1872

   Corning was a businessman and politician born in Norwich, Connecticut and of whom relocated to Albany, New York; where he was a prominent politician: mayor of Albany 1834 to 1837; New York State Senate from 1842 to 1845, and the US House of Representatives 1857 to 1859, and from 1861 to 1863.

   When the Utica and Schenectady Railroad was first chartered in 1833, Corning was a major investor and served as president and as a member on the board of directors. Corning was also a shareholder in, and president of the smaller Mohawk and Hudson Railroad. In 1851, the two railroads were reorganized as the Mohawk Valley Railroad, of which Corning served as president.

   Corning began planning the New York Central Railroad, to what eventually became the largest corporation in America; until US Steel. ("Michael. We're bigger than US Steel." Hyman Roth.) In 1853, Corning succeeded in persuading shareholders and executives of six functioning railroads and two that had been planned but had not yet been constructed; to agree to a plan for consolidating their companies.

   As the largest shareholder in the new company, Corning served as its first president and he held that office for twelve years, during which the New York Central's expansion and connections with other railways gave it access to cities from New York City to Chicago, which made it one of the country's most important railroads.    

   Corning entered into this charter with the City of New York in 1846, to route and operate trains down Eleventh and Tenth Avenues for the purpose of transporting freight and passengers. The charter was approved the following year and tracks laid.

   As originally laid out, the trains were brought as far south to a station located on the corner of Chambers Street and College Place / West Broadway.

   After more than a few of these primitive steam locomotives boilers had exploded, the city fathers enacted an ordinance prohibiting steam locomotive operation below 14th Street. 

   Henceforth, southbound trains were pulled by locomotive to West 14th Street, at which point the steam locomotives were uncoupled; and teams of horses pulled the passenger and freight cars to the terminal located at Chambers Street. 

   Northbound trains likewise were brought north to 14th Street by horse, where locomotives were coupled on to continue the journey north. 

   In 1859, the City of New York relocated the "no steam locomotive" demarcation line to 23rd Street; and in 1861 relocated it once again farther north, to 42nd Street.

   The following is direct quote from the 1920 Joint Report with Recommendations:

"The charter of 1846 granted the right, subject to permission from the City of New York, to build a line down the West Side of Manhattan. That permission was given the next year, and the West Side tracks were laid as part of the Hudson River Railroad.

The line handled passenger as well as freight business, inasmuch as the Park Avenue line to what is now Grand Central Station belonged to an entirely different company, the New York & Harlem Railroad Company.

The Hudson River Railroad Company established a passenger station at Chambers Street, but drew its passenger cars by horses between that point and Thirtieth Street.

Atlases of New York City - Manhattan - 1857
Index Map
William Perris Civil Engineer and Surveyor Third Edition 
Publisher: Perris & Browne

Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division
New York Public Library Digital Collection
annotated version © 2024~
added 20 May 2024

The company's freight traffic grew to such an extent that the company was forced to find a site inland from the waterfront for a downtown terminal. On this site, at Beach and Varick Streets, was built the St. Johns Park Terminal, after which, in 1868, the tracks south to Chambers Street were removed.

In 1871, the same year the first Grand Central Station was completed at Fourth Avenue and Forty-Second Street, the Spuyten Duyvil & Port Morris Railroad, connecting what had then become the New York Central & Hudson River Railroad with the New York & Harlem Railroad, was opened, and the Central transferred its passenger trains to the new route.

Since that time the West Side line has been used almost exclusively for freight, express and milk business."

   So, there was both joint freight / passenger handling at the Chambers Street Station as well as freight handling along the piers. Therefore, the St. Johns Park Freight Terminal was not the first freight station on the West side, but the dual purpose Chambers Street Station was. 

Atlases of New York City - Manhattan - 1857
Plate 8
William Perris Civil Engineer and Surveyor Third Edition 
Publisher: Perris & Browne

Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division
New York Public Library Digital Collection
annotated version © 2024~
added 20 May 2024



Hudson River Railroad Station Passenger Station - 1863
Looking south-southwest. I firmly believe this image is misattributed as West Broadway & "Liberty Street"; the reason being West Broadway and Liberty Street do not intersect.
Furthermore, the buildings and geography shown in the image perfectly align with the Perris Street Atlas above at the intersection of Chambers Street and West Broadway.
The triangle where the horsedrawn drayage carts are lined up is present day Bogardus Plaza.
Nevertheless, the presence of numerous open two wheel horsedrawn carts queued after the hacks and carriages exemplifies freight transport at this station.
H. N. Tiemann photo

New York Historical Society Digital Archives
image id: NYHS PR129 b-07 327-01

annotated version © 2024~



   It is imperative to bear in mind at this point in time; the present day passenger line down Fourth Avenue was owned by the New York & Harlem River Railroad, (and was owned by the great Cornelius Vanderbilt), and of which the New York & Harlem was a competitor to the Hudson River Railroad. It is the Hudson River Railroad route shown above and here.

   Cornelius Vanderbilt was born in Staten Island, NY; on May 27, 1794, to Cornelius van der Bilt and Phebe Hand. (van der Bilt being the original spelling which was anglicized to Vanderbilt.)

   He began working on his father's ferry in New York Harbor as a boy, quitting school at the age of 11. At the age of 16, Vanderbilt decided to start his own ferry service.

   Vanderbilt was nothing less than a mover and a shaker. He made a name for himself in commercial shipping and earned the nickname "the Commodore". After coming to dominate the shipping business, he further built his wealth in railroads, and through his guidance, shaped the railroad industry of the Northeast.

   It has been said Vanderbilt lacked finesse or couth, and was prone to be vulgar (what was considered vulgar in the 1800's, might be tame for the 21st Century):

"Contemporaries, too, often hated or feared Vanderbilt or at least considered him an unmannered brute.
While Vanderbilt could be a rascal, combative and cunning,
he was much more a builder than a wrecker... being honorable, shrewd, and hard-working."
H. Roger Grant, historian

Cornelius Vanderbilt
May 27, 1794 – January 4, 1877
   Backing up in history just a tad, Cornelius Vanderbilt obtained control of the Hudson River Railroad in 1867.

   And for clarity; let us re-iterate:

   The terminal at Chambers Street was overwhelmed, and it was decided in 1867 that a new dedicated freight terminal be constructed away (but not too far away) from the Chambers Street Station. This freight terminal
would be constructed at Beach & Varick Streets - and of which would come to be the widely recognized St. John's Park Freight Terminal .

   Once the St. Johns Park Freight Terminal was completed, the
original trackage to Chambers Street was removed in 1868 and the line dedicated to freight use only. Passenger service by this date was routed down Fourth Avenue to the original Madison Square Garden Station located at East 26th Street. 

   On November 1, 1869, Vanderbilt merged the two railroads (those being Hudson River Railroad and the New York Central & Harlem River Railroad), along with Spuyten Duyvil & Port Morris Railroad in the Bronx) to form the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad, and with him, the first Grand Central Terminal would not be built until 1871 at 42nd Street.

   All this consolidation meant the railroads operated in a single network under one owner. 
And now with that history outlined, we can now focus our attention entirely to the freight operations of the West Side.
While all that was taking place in New York City; the Transcontinental Railroad was completed through to the West Coast in 1869. Now freight and passengers, both to and from the West Coast, including freight importation from East and Southeast Asian countries, was now able to be transported across the Pacific, across the US and to the East Coast. 

   Because of this direct freight route into and out of Manhattan; and whereas other railroads had to transfer their freight to "lighter barges" (barges with their own crane), covered barges for perishables or carfloats for railroad cars;
the Hudson River Railroad and later the New York Central; dominated railroad freight handling on Manhattan Island, and as the New York Central could haul its freight directly into and out of Manhattan via the West Side without transloading.

   This direct route via Spuyten Duyvil swingbridge gave the New York Central access to the "Water Level Route" north along the Hudson River north to Albany, NY; where it could go east to Boston, Massachusetts or cross the Hudson River and go west to Chicago, Illinois; or even farther to the West Coast; north to Canada; or back south to New Jersey and other points south along the Eastern Seaboard. 

    Unlike the other Class 1 railroads that did come to have offline freight terminals in Manhattan: such as the Pennsylvania; Lehigh Valley; Erie; Central Railroad of New Jersey; and the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroads; the New York Central Railroad had direct rail connection to and from Manhattan to the mainland United States rail network.

   Ironically, this physical connection still exists to this day, albeit slightly rerouted to get the trains off the streets (which we will get to in a later chapter), and is now under Amtrak usage for passenger service.

   In 1881, the New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railroad had been planned as one link in a chain of a new transcontinental railroad from New York to San Francisco. This chain was to be comprised of the West Shore; the New York, Chicago and St. Louis Railroad or "Nickel Plate Road"; the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Railway, the Northern Pacific Railroad; and the Oregon Navigation Company.

William H. Vanderbilt
May 8, 1821 – December 8, 1885
    However, William Henry Vanderbilt (son of Cornelius Vanderbilt) and known as "Billy", and of whom now owned the New York Central Railroad); purchased the Nickel Plate Road in 1882, in effect breaking the chain and that plan.

   From childhood though mid life; William was looked down upon by his father, with Cornelius frequently berated and criticized him, calling his eldest son a "blockhead" and a "blatherskite". Billy longed to demonstrate to his father that he was not, but William never dared stand up to the Commodore, who had a very imposing presence. A case in point and even in adulthood: William once stated to his father, "If you tell me not to smoke, I'll obey you." Cornelius grunted, and William threw away the cigar, and gave up smoking forever. Cornelius was that powerful of a patriarch. A major turning point in their relationship occurred on the family trip to Europe on the steamship "Vanderbilt" in 1860, after which the two became very close and Billy was given a greater role in business matters.

   His father carefully oversaw his education in the business world, starting him at age 19 as a clerk in a New York banking house. After joining as an executive of the Staten Island Railway and increasing the revenue, William was elected to the office of president in 1862. In 1869, he was made vice-president of the New York and Harlem River Railroad, further becoming its president in 1877. He took over for his father as president of the Lake Shore and Michigan Southern (LS&MS) Railway, the Canada Southern Railway, and the Michigan Central Railroad (MCRR) at the time of the Commodore's death in 1877.

   As crude as his father Cornelius was considered amongst his peers, it was William that drew the ire of the everyman. In 1883, reporter John D. Sherman questioned him about why he ran the limited express train, "Do your limited express trains pay, or do you run them for the accommodation of the public?"

   Vanderbilt responded with, "Accommodation of the public? The public be damned! We run them because we have to. They do not pay. We have tried again and again to get the different roads to give them up; but they will run them and, of course, as long as they run them we must do the same."
   This interview was then published in the Chicago Daily News, but Vanderbilt's words and the context were modified, with particularly heavy emphasis on "The public be damned." Several different accounts of the incident were then disseminated; the accounts vary in terms of who conducted the interview, under what circumstance and what was actually said.

   Vanderbilt received a great deal of negative publicity from the "The public be damned" portion, and so much so that he even went as far to clarify his response with a subsequent interview by the Chicago Times. In that interview he was quoted saying: "Railroads are not run for the public benefit, but to pay. Incidentally, we may benefit humanity, but the aim is to earn a dividend." As you can imagine, these words did not sit well with the public or the media.

   Paying no heed to how the public viewed him, Vanderbilt's railroad holdings included no less than the Chicago, Burlington and Quincy Railroad (CB&Q); the Chicago and Canada Southern Railway; the Detroit and Bay City Railroad; the Hudson River Railroad, not to be confused with the New York Central and Hudson River RR, the Hudson River Bridge, the Joliet and Northern Indiana Railroad, the Michigan Midland and Canada Railroad, the New York Central Sleeping Car Company, the New York and Harlem Rail Road, the Spuyten Duyvil and Port Morris Railroad, and the Staten Island Railroad.

   During this same time frame, the New York Central began constructing the South Pennsylvania Railroad across southern Pennsylvania, of which was deep in the Pennsylvania Railroad's territory.
At the same time, the New York Central Railroad then proceeded to drive the New York, West Shore and Buffalo Railroad into bankruptcy via a brutal rate-war, of which the West Shore could not withstand financially.

   The Pennsylvania Railroad (PRR), which was and remained the New York Central's greatest rival right up until 1968; recognized that the West Shore Railroad would make a great addition to its network, and also allowing it to penetrate deep into New York Central territory. So it began to make overtures to acquire it.

   And now a second, but more destructive rate-war between the Pennsylvania and the New York Central commenced; to wit each railroad kept lowering its freight haulage prices to the point they were actually losing money in an effort to undercut the other.

   This loss of revenue was an anathema to J. Pierpont Morgan; of whom sat on the board of directors of both the New York Central and the Pennsylvania. Morgan was well respected throughout the business world, and of whom was the top railroad financier in the United States, much less among many other industries. This rate war, which drove down stock and bond prices; was essentially killing Morgan's profits. So, he decided to personally intervene.

   In July 1884, Morgan and Vanderbilt agreed to try to negotiate a peace treaty between the Pennsylvania and New York Central Railroads. Morgan invited George B. Roberts and Frank Thompson (
president and vice-president of the Pennsylvania Railroad) to meet with the New York Central’s president, Chauncey Depew, on board Morgan’s yacht, Corsair. Morgan picked the executives up at a Jersey City pier, near the Pennsylvania Railroad’s terminal, on a hot July morning. They proceeded north up the Hudson River 50 miles to Garrison, NY; and then turned back south to Sandy Hook, New Jersey; located at the entrance to New York Harbor.

   Depew beseeched the Pennsylvania men to end what he called the “ruinous” competition of building parallel lines and endless rate wars. These tactics added nothing to the bottom line of either railroad. A luncheon was served as the Corsair sailed up and down the river. Morgan argued that this sort of competition was not only bad for business; it was adversely affecting the flow of European (especially British) financial capital into American railroads as they continued their expansion across the continent. No agreement, Morgan implied, equated to no further European investment.

   While Thompson came around to Morgan’s way of reasoning, Roberts remained adamant against it. Only when Corsair tied back up to the Jersey City pier at 7:00 pm; did Roberts, finally relent and shook hands with Morgan on the dock, stating, “I will agree to your plan and do my part.” While it took almost two more decades for the final agreement to be signed; the West Shore Railroad, would now be owned by the New York Central as a subsidiary, and the construction of the South Pennsylvania Railroad ceased
(sections of which were repurposed much later (1940) for use in constructing the Pennsylvania Turnpike.)

John Pierpont Morgan
April 17, 1837 – March 31, 1913

   The stock prices of the two railroads rose immediately and naturally, the principals were pleased.

    The New York Central, having purchased the New York, West Shore and Buffalo Railway on November 24, 1885; reorganized its new acquisition as the West Shore Railroad on December 5, and leased it for 475 years from January 1, 1886.
(So, in effect the West Shore Railroad West 36th Street Yard was originally the competition; wound up becoming a subsidiary and by proxy an expansion to the West 33rd Street Yards.)

   In 1914, all of Cornelius Vanderbilt's eleven other railroad operating interests: particularly the New York, West Shore & Buffalo with its carfloat terminals in Weehawken, New Jersey; were merged into the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad to form the New York Central Lines.

   With the basic but very convoluted history of the railroads in New York City now outlined, let us get down to the specifics of the West Side of Manhattan Freight Operations.

Population Boom

   As the city population grew, freight traffic grew to keep up with it. And the city population expanded northward; there arose a conflict.

   Trains were now impeding the people and the people were getting run over by trains. This can be somewhat equated to building an airport on the outskirts of the city; and the city grew, it encroached upon the airport, and now its presence has become a nuisance to those closest to it. In most cases, that does not have a fatal outcome - unless of course the plane crashes into some houses, then there is an uproar; and that has happened on several occasions - but no amount of public uproar ever forced an airport to relocate!

   When the railroad was first laid out in the mid 1850's, pretty much everything north of 42nd Street was undeveloped farmland or forest. It was unfathomable at the time that the city would grow north of the demarcation line. This misconception would come back to haunt the City fathers time and time again - when City Hall was constructed at Chambers Street, it employed cheap brownstone for its north face, as it was expected most residents would not venture north of Chambers Street and see it often. 

   As the Manhattan grew in both industry and population; that imaginary demarcation of "the city line" - was subsequently moved from Chambers Street to Canal Street, then to 14th Street, then 34th Street, then 42nd Street (which was why Vanderbilt built Grand Central Terminal there) and well after that, people just gave up on trying to define the city line entirely!

   As you can see by the table at right, (via Demographia) the population of Manhattan alone, doubled in the thirty years between 1850 (when the railroad on the West Side was first laid out) and 1880; when the problem of people getting hit by the trains began making public appearance in the newspapers.

   So, as the city population grew, even the slow moving (no more than 6 miles per hour per the city regulation) freight trains running down the center of the thoroughfare were found to be involved in a rather growing frequency of serious accidents and fatalities involving pedestrians. 

year population
1840 313,000
1850 516,000
1860 814,000
1870 942,000
1880 1,165,000
1890 1,441,000
1900 1,850,000
1910 2,332,000
1920 2,284,000
1930 1,867,000
1940 1,890,000

So called "Death Avenue"

   One of my pet peeves, is I particularly despise the moniker "Death Avenue" - which Eleventh Avenue (and Tenth Avenue) became to be called as a result. Perhaps this "Death Avenue" moniker is a bit of hyperbole and sensationalist. 

   The 1800's and early 1900's - and with them the coming of the Industrial Age - were an inherently dangerous period of time in itself. People were maimed and killed by lots of things in daily life; coal mines, steel mills, lumber mills, steam boilers, bridge building, tunnel boring, mechanized farm equipment etc. 

   In short, injuries and fatalities came from all sorts of machinery and industrial accidents, and not just this particular train or its routing. A big "deal is made about 540 people were known to have been fatally injured by train movements through 1905 by the operations of street running freight trains in Manhattan. 

   Trolleys cause death too. The trolleys, so essential to the movement of people to and from work and school, were no different either. The Brooklyn Daily Eagle ran a full page feature page on December 30, 1894 blasting the deaths of so many from trolleys; but no one individual or any city office enacted or tried to enact legislation that forbade the use of trolleys or made them move to another street or part of the city. See, the trolleys were a public service.. 

   Pedestrians were also run over by horsedrawn wagons daily or trampled by horses. Riders were thrown. 

   And when they were developed, automobiles caused death: So many injuries and deaths were occurring as a result of autos, that the NY Daily News began a clock like "Hands of death" The latest one in 1923 showed 889 people killed by "the automobile".  In 1931, deaths as a result from automobiles reached 1,448. But, only a few people actually advocated banning the automobile from streets.

   But it was the "big, bad freight railroad" that bore the brunt of the blame and was an easy target. And while people need the trolleys to go to and from work and school, and what have you; they were an essential public service. Most transit companies were "locally" owned. The freight trains weren't. They were perceived to be owned by a faceless corporation. The railroads always have and always will bear unjust ire and blame by the public, even to this day:

  • A tractor trailer driver gets stuck on a crossing that is well marked with signs as a "high center crossing" and a train hits it? Why didn't the train stop?
    (Why wasn't the truck driver better trained or more attentive?)
  • Trespassers got run over while walking on tracks? Why didn't the train blow it horn? Why doesn't the railroad build fences?
    (It did and it does.)
  • A train derails? It must because of shoddy maintenance or faulty equipment.
    (But no matter how well something is maintained or how new, things break.)
  • A movie crew (with props) films a movie scene on a railroad bridge (with no trespassing signs!) without permission from the railroad and train comes along and kills a member of the crew?
    (Sue the railroad for wrongful death!)

   So, in short; accidents, are the inevitable consequences of living in a modern first world industrial urban society. This bothers you? Go back to living in a cave, hunting for your food daily with a stone or a spear. Hell, archeologists have even found primitive man injured by hunting implements! Point being, injury and death goes hand in hand with living. 

   And in the case of the New York Central back in the 1800's; when that railroad was owned by a very outspoken and sometimes an ultra-millionaire, like it was by William H. Vanderbilt; well, they made for an easy target by the media. (Not much has changed, has it?) The railroads were, and remain to be perceived as a big faceless uncaring corporations.

   That is not to say solutions and remedies were not attempted. One of the solutions to this problem, was to have a man on horseback escort the trains during transit on public thoroughfares.  Which brings us to:

The West Side Cowboys

a/k/a "Dummy Boys" - "Tenth Avenue Cowboy" - "Eleventh Avenue Cowboy"

  The City of New York enacted a regulation that stipulated that trains being drawn by dummy engines; were to be led by a man on horseback; carrying a red flag by day and red lantern by night:

   This horse rider was to lead the locomotive movement and warn pedestrians to yield to the oncoming train. An escort if you will. These horse riders became known as a "West Side Cowboy", or a "Dummy Boy" (after the steam dummy). They were also known as the Tenth Avenue (or Eleventh Avenue) Cowboy.

   You will note in a lot of images; these riders appear quite young. They were - back in those days when a lad was old enough to ride a horse, he was old enough to work. It was not until 1938 that the Fair Labor Standards Act was passed, prohibiting most children under age 16 from working (with exception to agriculture and domestic labor). So a lot of young, no older than their early teens; were seen at work and this position was no exception. 

three above images
Bain News Service  / George Grantham Bain collection
Library of Congress

added 05 April 2024


   The following film, converted to digital format, shows several of the West Side Cowboys at work escorting the trains. The following digital video from the blog "LivinTheHighLine" article titled "The West Side Cowboy and the High Line", (


The Situation Comes to a Head.

   The New York Central & Hudson River RR, had been operating the trackage in the streets under a perpetual franchise, renewed every 25 years. In 1905 it was proposed, and in 1906, the New York State Legislature passed a bill introduced by Senator Martin Saxe which gave the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad Company a year in which to negotiate a settlement with the old Board of Rapid Transit Commissioners; and in default of which; the City was to begin condemnation proceedings. But nothing came of it.

   Later, the City brought proceedings against the railroad, with the result that in 1910 the Court of Appeals rendered a decision holding that the City of New York had no right to interfere with the company, but that, as it had succeeded in showing that the presence of the New York Central operations on Eleventh Avenue were a danger to the citizens and a detriment to the neighborhood. Therefore, the State could, under its general police power, take steps to force the railroad company to find a new site for its tracks at its own expense.

   This included the railroad placing its tracks in a six track tunnel and which the railroad would retain its franchise on two of the six tracks, with the city renting the other four tracks to the railroad. Not to mention, the engineering issues in constructing a six track wide tunnel under active city streets! A two track subway tunnel, maybe... But six tracks? But surprisingly, the railroad was in favor of this very costly project of approximately $50,000,000 dollars - which equates to $1,775,000,000 (that's 1.775 billion) in 2024 dollars and allowing for inflation.

   Despite this, the State Assembly in 1906 now passed a law that prohibited the use of streets, avenues, or any public place by a railroad operating a steam locomotive at grade level. This did nothing to solve the problem. In 1908, Calvin Tompkins (the Commissioner of Docks for the City of New York) proposed the following: an elevated freight line from West 72nd street to St. John's Park, and a "union" freight terminal with transfer bridges at 30th Street; union meaning to be operated by all the railroads seeking presence, and paid for by rental charges. This proposal too, went nowhere.

   Thereupon the Legislature of 1911, by chapter 777, directed the NYC&HR RR Company to file before October 1 of that year; plans to show how it would remove its tracks, and authorized the Board of Estimate and Apportionment to enter into negotiations with the railroad to effect this. The situation then, in short was this: the City is trying to get the railroad off of its public streets; and the railroad company is trying to improve its freight terminal facilities. The question was, how can these two ends be attained and the interests of each conserved in fairness to those of the other?

   So, the new plan was thus: tracks to be placed in a roofed cut, designed to carry a motor parkway above, from Spuyten Duyvil to West 72nd Street, and then an elevated steel girder structure from 72nd to St. John's Park. But it was also stipulated that the trains be drawn only by electric locomotive after 1915, which the entire project was to be completed by 1917. 

   The railroad and the city were getting close, but no cigar. Back to the table they went in 1916. Now it was proposed (from north to south): a tunnel under Spuyten Duyvil Creek (Harlem River) to a six track roofed cut to West 60th Street, then a four track elevated from West 60th Street to a point just south of St. John's Park, and an extension to Cortlandt Street carried on a viaduct above West Street and the bulkhead line. The railroad also took the moment to suggest enlarging their existing freight yards, and while they were at it; a provision for passenger service to the West Side to help alleviate the load from Grand Central Terminal. Total estimated cost? 65,000,000 dollars (2,010,000,000 in 2024 dollars). Both parties agreed.

   Not so fast! In June 1917, the State Legislature in Albany first nullified that agreement, and second; required all future plans be submitted for review by an "impartial committee" and approval by the Public Service Commission. And then the United States entered World War I. But, while both minor dithering between the City and the Railroad commenced, and some major dithering in Europe; the freight demands of Manhattan was growing at an exponential rate.

   Thus began a decade of negotiations, plans, counter-plans, court hearings and compromises; before an actual shovelful of dirt was moved. The specific details are contained within the following three references (the first two of which are open source):

   In 1923; the State reviewed the proposals and the New York Central Railroad now proposed the following: a new line of 11 miles in length consisting of the following: a new swing bridge at Spuyten Duyvil (eliminating the expensive tunneling) a roofed cut through Riverside Park, expansion of the existing freight yards, a viaduct from West 72nd Street to a completely new freight terminal located south of Spring Street and the razing of the old St. John Park's Terminal.

   And by 1924, the State now was requiring electric operation of all trains within the City limits of New York by January 1, 1926 - the Kaufman Act. This is covered in detail in the chapter on the main page of this website: Kaufman Act

   Multiple railroads operating freight terminals in the City of New York vehemently objected to the Kaufman Act, and most of outspoken of all was the New York Central; as most of their trackage was in the streets, so the use of electric third rail was not feasible (unless you wanted to electrocute some residents on a daily basis - the cure was more deadly than the disease), and overhead trolley wire had already been forbidden in the City, and electric battery locomotives were not sufficiently advanced to consider. Think about this: here we are in 2024, 100 years later, and battery locomotives still are not reliable enough to warrant widespread use or acceptance in a freight railroad capacity!

   The railroads fought tooth and nail to overturn the Kaufman Act, and for good reason: electrification would be both prohibitively expensive, and for one other reason we will get to.

   This delay in enactment of the Kaufman Act bore some tasty fruit of an unexpected flavor. This was because in the five years of court battles and injunctions over the Kaufman Act and "electrification", a new breed of locomotive was nearing successful and widespread use: the Diesel-electric. A Diesel oil compression ignition engine would turn a generator, and would provide its own power. Up until this point the diesel-electric was not suited for long haul use because of durability of the engine and the required power. Direct drive internal combustion locomotives lacked finesse. Diesel electrics had only just become satisfactory for yard and switching service over the previous year; and in the form of Central Railroad of New Jersey #1000, a switch engine built by American Locomotive (body), General Electric (electrical systems) and prime mover built my Ingersoll Rand. The locomotive was in daily use at their Bronx Terminal. But the technology still had not quite reached maturity or reliability for "over the road" heavy freight use..

   Fortunately, the chief engineer of the Public Service Commission: William C. Lancaster recognized this new form of motive power:
"The Diesel electric locomotive... has none of the objectionable features of the steam locomotive; it is substantially noiseless and its movement are virtually the same as those of the electric locomotive of the same capacity.  It has one other feature... which has an advantage over the overhead system of contact or the third rail. in the case of the latter, there are frequent momentary discontinuances which draw arcs causing vivid flashes. These are a source of annoyance and would be objectionable to those living along Riverside Drive. The results where the contact shoe jumps from one conductor to another and such intervals would be frequent in the third rail system."

   In 1924,
a prototype General Electric - Ingersoll Rand model X3-1 locomotive, better known by its construction number: #8835; was fitted with an inline six cylinder (10" x 12" cylinders) diesel engine constructed by Ingersoll-Rand utilizing the Price-Rathbun design and solid injectors. This engine in turn powering an electrical generator designed by General Electric. This in turn supplied electricity to traction motors with voltage and current being regulated using controls designed a few year prior by Hermann Lemp of General Electric. The carbody was a left over, laying around at General Electric's Erie, PA facility.

. #8835 would be "unveiled" on February 28, 1924 to the representatives of the railroads showing interest in a diesel locomotive: Baltimore & Ohio, Pennsylvania, Boston & Maine, New York Central, Reading & Lehigh Valley. While the men were impressed, they remained unconvinced of the design which had not seen day to day service.

   So, beginning in June 1924, and for the next thirteen months, the unit went through rigorous (and to some extent, abusive) testing on ten different railroads and three industries (to which the locomotive had been leased on a trial b
#8835 would come to spend 2½ months operating on the West Side of Manhattan along Tenth and Eleventh Avenues for the New York Central Railroad:

Ingersoll-Rand / General Electric Demonstrator #8835 - sometime between June 9 and August 23, 1924 
Tenth Avenue, Manhattan, NY

from Diesel Spotters Guide, Jerry Pinkepank / Kalmbach Publishing

hours of service dates of service remarks
833 6/9/1924 to
Placed in yard switching service (New York City West Side Yards) on July 19th for a daily recording of performance data. In one test phase, this unit was operated for 24 hours per day (almost continuously), handling 3 shifts daily from 7/24 to 8/7. Inspection of the locomotive could only occur during crew changes.
On 8/14 a "Tonnage Test" was conducted: #8835 pulled "93 loaded freight cars on level track" for 36 minutes. 1, 2
Note: The Ingersoll-Rand record does not indicate what these loads consisted of or total tonnage pulled.

   At midpoint of its testing on the 'Central; this locomotive was placed into a "tug-of-war"  test with one of the a Shay type locomotives of New York Central working the West Side Line; in which 8835 won that battle due to smoother torque of the electric drive and greater coefficient of friction; and a little overzealousness on the part of the Shay's engineer, who got the Shay's wheel's slipping. Needless to say, the Central's men were very impressed.

   So, following the success of that experimental, New York Central felt confident with the technology.

  New York Central ordered the following design in 1926 from the General Electric Company, in cooperation with the the American Locomotive Company. The two had constructed an experimental diesel - electric, straight electric and electric battery locomotive.

   The locomotive could:
  • draw straight 660 volt DC electric from a third rail known as "electrified territory"
  • use diesel engine power to turn an electric generator for movement in non-electrified territory, and 
  • also have a battery power capability for operation in buildings, which would be kept charged by the Diesel electric or straight electric.

   The locomotive was placed in service in 1928, and this unique locomotive would come to be called a "Tri-Power".

   The pieces were finally in place. The City of New York and the New York Central Railroad had finally reached an agreement. They hammered out some now minor details and on July 5, 1929; Mayor Jimmy Walker, R. D. Starbuck, a vice president of the New York Central; and E. F. Stephenson, the railroads secretary signed the documents. The agreement called for construction to start immediately, a timetable as follows:
  • electrification north of West 72nd Street and diesel electric motive power for operation south of that; to be installed by 1931. 
  • train movements on city streets to be eliminated by June 30, 1934.
  • the double trackage in the street was to be relocated to a viaduct between West 34th Street and St John's Park, 
  • a walled subgrade cut north of West 34th Street, 
  • the two major yards at West 30th Street and West 60th Street Yard and the three smaller yards at West 17th Street, West 41st Street and West 145th Street were to be expanded to 4,000 car capacity; 
  • the existing surface St. John's Park Terminal to be razed and new elevated terminal constructed at Spring Street. 
   The New York Central Railroad literally was giving the City more than the City was asking for.

   The cost of this ambitious project had now reached $175,000,000 in 1929 dollars ($3,200,000,000 in adjusted 2024 dollars), freight traffic on line was averaging about 1,700 cars daily. All work on this project took place under the supervision of the railroad's chief engineer, J. W. Pfau.

   Contractors for the first phase were James Turner Co. and George A. Fuller Co.,  with the steel contractors being American Bridge Co.; McClintic Marshall Co. and the Fort Pitt Bridge Works. Structural design of Riverside Park was the work of Madigan - Hyland Company. General contractor for the construction of the new elevated St. John's Park Freight terminal was the James Stewart Co.

   Second phase contractors were the Thomas Crimmins Contracting Co., George J. Atwell Foundation Corp, the P. T. Cox Contracting Co. and Corbetta Construction Co.

   According to the agreement, the State of New York was to pay one quarter of the cost of this grade separation / realignment project, the New York Central Railroad was to pay three quarters:

But, the State balked, stating it did not have the funds to cover their full 25% portion. With surprising congeniality and good faith, the New York Central Railroad offered to cover the states' portion and defer reimbursement arrangements and repayment to a later date. Not surprisingly, I cannot locate any documentation alluding that the State finally paying its due share of apportionment.

   The order was signed on December 19, 1924; and the New York Central RR began construction immediately.

   So yes; when you consider why present day freight railroads have a "hard-on" against regulations and / or having to relinquish or relocate property and assets, perhaps some of you will bear in mind and recall this
and decades long situation and history.

The High Line & The Tunnel

original: 1931, New York Central.
annotated version: © 2024 freightrrofnyc / Philip M. Goldstein
 NYC&HR Manhattan Freight Operations

   And, thanks to the New York Times Digital Archives article below right, we now have a confirmed date in which the High Line opened to freight traffic. We also learn that it opened in two phases.

   The first: from West 35th Street to West 20th Street on:

 Tuesday, August 1, 1933

   The second: from West 20th Street to St. John's Freight Terminal opened on:

Thursday, June 28, 1934

   It was also on this second date that the High Line was also officially dedicated.

   Unfortunately, both the High Line website and many resultant blogs on the High Line Park have this 1934 date as the date freight service began, and this is obviously erroneous. The opening on August 1, 1933 was not a soft opening or a test run. It was "the" opening - revenue freight moved on this date. The High Line just wasn't complete.

   Many railroads (among other things) open on one date, albeit incompletely; out of necessity, then other portions or segments are completed afterwards adding to ad extending the route already in service.

   In addition to the construction of the elevated High Line from West 35th Street to St John's Park Freight Terminal; a part open cut / part tunnel was to be built from West 35th Street to West 60th Street.

   Furthermore, a portion of the line, north of West 72nd Street, was to be completely tunneled over by Robert Moses;
to expand park space for Upper West Side residents (even though the construction of Moses' Henry Hudson Parkway in the same area effectively blocked access to the river!) In short, the railroad was lambasted over decades for blocking access to the river, but it was okay when Robert Moses did it with a highway.

   The West 35th to West 60th Street subgrade route and tunnel opened 
on June 28, 1937; a few years after the High Line. So, until this subgrade routing was finished, street operation of freight trains continued.

   According to New York Central Railroad Employees Timetable #47A, in effect Wednesday June 15, 1938; the speed between West 36th Street and St Johns Park on the viaduct was 10 mph.
Between St. Clair Place (West 125th Street) and West 137th Street was 30 mph, and north of West 135th Street to Spuyten Duyvil swingbridge was 45 mph.


Street Operations Continue! For a "little" while - only 8 more years!

   After both the High Line and the subgrade line and tunnel were completed, freight train movements were no longer the large nuisance or safety issue to pedestrians and automobiles.
But, they did not eliminate street operations!

   While the High Line and the subgrade route was and remains, a novel solution to both the operational hazards to pedestrians as well as those inadvertently caused traffic jams while the locomotive was switching freight cars in the street.

   It should be noted that despite the fanfare and even after the High Line was finished and opened for service, this did not eliminate the need for street running, and it continued albeit in a much reduced capacity.

   This was even stated in the New York Times article (highlighted text) dated June 28, 1937 at above right.

   There were still several customers, particularly those that were located on the side streets, that were served by spur tracks off the main avenue, as well as those spur tracks leading to the piersheds and wharves where ships were loaded and unloaded. Another of the locations was the New Washington Street Market and the Perishable Goods Yard located between West 17th and West 18th Streets on the west side of Tenth Avenue.

   These locations were either not near the route of the High Line, or were by virtue at street level, so they continued to be served by street operations.

   Only when
the industries were relocated or were adapted to accept tractor-trailer loading / unloading instead of freight car; or close entirely; did street operations actually cease - and this took place on March 29, 1941.


The Last Ride - of Man, Horse and Locomotive on the Street - 1941

   This "late date street running" is evidenced by the series of March 29, 1941 images of George Hayde and Cyclone - it was on this date, that street running ceased - some seven years after and not 1934 when the High Line opened for service.

Real facts - not rail fiction: The accurate start dates of High Line service and the end date of street running.

   I reiterate for the misinformed, stubborn armchair railfans and the revisionist historians:

   Street running on Tenth Avenue south of West 30th Street Yard DID NOT cease with the opening of the High Line, which was on Tuesday, August 1, 1933.
There were still industries and pier leads that were not adjacent to the elevated High Line route and that were accessible only by street operations, i.e.: the New Washington Street Market by the piers.
   Opening of the High Line removed most of the street running, but not all. This reduced (the still necessary) street running, and alleviated a lot of the pre-existing hazards and risk of pedestrians getting injured as had been in the

   The first dedication, took place when the first section of the High Line opened:  August 1, 1933, for the segment of line from West 34th Street to West 20th Street.
This comprised of TWO passenger trains of 11 cars each. They departed Grand Central Terminal, went north to Spuyten Duyvil, then south on the West Side Line. One of these dedication trains was hauled by NYC
   TriPower locomotive #1526 seen in the New York Times article in the preceding chapter.

   The second dedication took place of June 28, 1934 (Thursday); and for the segment of track from West 20th Street to St. Johns Park Terminal.

   The third dedication took place on June 28, 1937, for the subgrade and tunnel portion of the line from West 60th to West 36th Street,
Hauled by locomotive #528.

   Furthermore, street operations continued on Eleventh Avenue between West 36th Street Yard and West 41st Street Stock Yard and would not be
abolished until June 28, 1937
   with the opening of the West Side Tunnel.

   Street running south of West 30th Street on Tenth Avenue ended on the day of the following images: March 29, 1941.

   On this date, an ALCo / GE Tri-Power #529 pulled 14 cars of fresh oranges north to the West 33rd Street Yard escorted by George Hayde and Cyclone, his mount.

New York Central #529 (former #1529) - 10:50 a.m, March 29, 1941
Last ride of the West Side Cowboy: George Hayde and Cyclone ride across West 18th Street.
Mr. Hayde began work as a West Side Cowboy 8 years priors at the age of 22.

ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68362 / GE c/n 11114, built July 1930

Top two and bottom left images are looking south along Tenth Avenue at West 17th Street.

Building is 101 Tenth Avenue with High Line trestle right center.
Note: third rail shoes on the truck of the locomotive.
Location marker 11 in High Line Map below

Bottom right photo is
looking south along Tenth Avenue at intersection of West 26th Street. The white building is 259 Tenth Avenue - the R. C. Williams (wholesale groceries) warehouse.
Location marker 10 in High Line Map below
unknown photographer
Believed to be New York Central Railroad publicity images

added 05 April 2024



New York Central Facilities in Manhattan - Overview

   The New York Central List of Station and Facilities, issued September 1925 lists the following:

New York Central Railroad - List of Station and Facilities, September 1925

   According to the New York Central Report of the Board of Directors to the Stockholders dated December 31, 1929; the 30th Street Branch comprised of 12.37 miles of double main track and 66.70 miles of yards of sidings.  

   The following table is a compilation of all listed facilities over the decades that were known to have existed at one time or another (but not concurrently), whether by listing in a official document or seen on property maps. Not included in the following table are several pier stations such as Barclay Street and Pier 5, as these were serviced by carfloat and not by direct rail service..

location milepost* facilities
Inwood (Dyckman Street) .98 Freight Station
Fort Washington 2.58
West 152nd Street 3.75
West 147th - W140th Street Yard
West 135th Street Freight Station
West 130th Street "Manhattanville" 4.82 Yard
West 105th Street
West 60th - 72nd Street 8.40 Freight Station Yard Stock Yard Grain Elevators Transfer Bridges
West 41st Street Stock Yard & Slaughterhouses
West 36th Street Freight Station Stock Yard
West 33rd Street 9.79 Freight Station Yard Transfer Bridges
West 30th Street 10.06 Yard
St. Johns Park Terminal 12.39 Freight Station
* from Spuyten Duyvil

West 60th - West 72nd Street Terminal

   The West 60th Street Yard (further north) is significant. as this location included the very first French Patent overhead suspended contained apron transfer bridge located at West 69th Street, which is now on the United States', as well as New York State; Register of Historic Places. 


Three types of transfer bridges in one location: New York Central Railroad West 60th Street Terminal, Manhattan, NY - 1978
Looking east.

left:       electrically operated Overhead Suspension Contained Apron "J. B. French patent"
center:  Pontoon / Steel Pony Truss
right:     electrically operated Overhead Suspension Separate Apron "J. A. Bensel patent"

T. Flagg photo
added 04 January 2012

   Excerpts of physical characteristics of terminals are included below; but perhaps most importantly, the procedures on how the freight was handled at each of the terminals is defined in great detail. Therefore, I have simply reproduced the text here verbatim. Keep in mind, this is how the freight was handled and the terminals operated in 1885 - and such procedures likely changed over the decades.


West 41th Street to West 30th Street

   The West 36th and West 33rd Yards were in fact two separate yards, and connected extensively by trackage, but were divided by West 34th Street. Therefore, despite being listed as two separate yards, it was in actuality one large yard. The West 36th Street Yard was originally owned by the New York, West Shore & Buffalo Railroad or "West Shore", which was a competitor to the New York Central early on.


   The New York Central also had another pair of transfer bridges located between Piers 73 and 72; of which trackage was connected directly to the freight yards and terminal at West 33rd Street. These would be the first transfer bridges located in Manhattan to shut down by New York Central circa 1943 possibly even earlier; while the transfer bridges north at West 60th Street Yard would remain in service until 1968.

Looking east from Hudson River at West Side, Manhattan, NY
added 05 April 2024


   But, as we have read; and despite having the rail-marine connections via the transfer bridges here at West 33rd Street; New York Central freight trains would literally travel down the centerline of several main thoroughfares, bringing freight to an fro the various terminals in Manhattan, as well as several customer sidings along the route. 

   A regulation stipulated that south of West 34th Street, conventional locomotives could not be used; so the cars were drawn by a dummy engine. A dummy engine was nothing more than a conventional steam locomotive with an outer car body that resembled a passenger car. North of 34th Street, a conventional locomotive could be used. Why 34th Street? 34th Street was the crosstown line of demarcation where it was thought that no to minimal development would take place. North of 34th Street then, was considered suburbia giving way to rural, with farmlands extending to the Harlem River. Oh, how they would soon learn that there were no limitations to be placed on urban sprawl!


St. John's Park Terminal (first): 1868 - 1927

   Located in Port of New York Terminal Facilities, by Gratz Mordecai, 1885 is this diagram of the old St. John Park Terminal.

In the interim: Franklin Street Station (no trackage) - Pier 23: 1927-1934

   As some of the more observant of you who are following closely, you will take notice of a time span in which there was no Freight Station located in Lower Manhattan. This would took place 1927 through 1934.

   It is well recorded that the original St. John's Park Terminal was razed in 1927 to make space for the Holland Tunnel exit plaza. The proposed new "Spring Street" Terminal (that would also come to be called St. John Park Terminal as well) would not open for business until 1934.

   So what did the New York Central Railroad (and it customers!) use for a freight terminal in Lower Manhattan for those seven years?  If my understanding is correct, the New York Central redirected Less Than Carload (LCL) Freight to their Pier Station at (new) Pier 23, at the foot of Franklin Street.

   This conclusion comes from my encountering a New York Times article regarding New York Central notice to abandon service at that location filed for 1934, which coincidentally is the same year the "new" St. Johns Park Terminal opened.

   The Franklin Street / Pier 23 was 859' x 70' and t
he Franklin Street Pier Station was open for many years prior to 1927. 

   For this to happen, would require that LCL freight upon arriving at Weehawken, NJ; was transferred out of its boxcar into a lighter, or the boxcar simpled placed aboard a station carfloat, and placed at the existing Franklin Street Station on Pier 23 in Manhattan for pick up by LCL St. Johns Park customers.

   As far as I can tell, the other alternatives would be to either go to New York Centrals' other pier stations at Pier 17 at Park Place; or Pier 31 at DeBrosses Street; or the West 33th Street Freight Station.
One can only imaging the inconvenience of having to go "all the way uptown" to retrieve this redirected freight for the duration.

   Granted, my conclusion herewith is strictly circumstantial.

   Carload freight customers would obviously be unaffected, and continue to received their freight by the trains running in the streets.



St. John's Park Terminal (second): 1934 - 1960

   Following the widely publicized plans to segregate the rail line from the streets, a new elevated freight station was proposed, designed and constructed.

   By the beginning of 1930, the New York Central Railroad was acquiring land for the so called elevated "Spring Street Freight Terminal", which would replace the surface level St. John's Park Terminal.

   Plans for the new terminal were announced in July 1930. The dimensions of the structure measured 1,250 feet in length, with Clarkson Street on the north and Spring Street on the south. The width of the structure was to average 250 feet and fall between West Street on the west and Washington Street on the east.

   This new terminal would replace eighty-eight existing residential tenements, which were already in the process of being razed. Although plans for the above-ground section of the terminal had not been finalized, it was expected to be either four or seven stories tall based on sub-surface conditions and surveying. 
The work entailed closing off King, Charlton, and Spring Streets and a bridge over Houston Street.

   Preliminary drawings
put forth by Edward A. Doughtery, the architect; originally called for a 12-story structure. Revisions were filed with the New York City Department of Buildings in March 1931, which now called for a 17 story tall building. By November 1930, the building site had largely been cleared.

   The New York Central Railroad had intended to rent out space to commercial tenant 
on the upper floors. As planned at 17 stories, the structure would have offered 3.6 million square feet had it been built.

   Plans called for multiple tracks on the second floor, capable of accommodating 190 railcars, as well as loading docks for trucks and freight customers below situated at ground level. 
   In February 1932, the New York Central Railroad requested a $7.5 million loan to finance the West Side Improvement project, including the cost of the new freight depot. Initially, $10 million would be spent to build a portion of the terminal to meet "current needs". That November, revised plans were filed for only a three-story building with a projected cost of $2.5 million.

   According to a contemporary New York Times article, the reduction of size was due to cost, as the original structure would have $12.5 million. However, a subsequent New York Times article cites opposition from brokers as a reason for reducing the building's height.

   The final plan of the building, as it would be constructed; would serve only the New York Central Railroad's own direct purposes as a dedicated rail terminal; but the structure as built had support pilings capable of handling a larger building should the situation change, and the upper stories be added at a future date.

As built, the floors constituted 205,000 square feet each, and were the largest in New York City at the time of their construction. Each story could accommodate a load of 300 pounds per square foot.

   The "Spring Street Terminal" and the elevated rail viaduct the "High Line" to service the terminal; were dedicated on Thursday, June 28, 1934, with ceremonies at the terminal building.

   With the opening of this new terminal, the New York Central Railroad filed plans to also abandon the nearby Franklin Street station on (new) Pier 23 (no trackage, lighterage only), which was being used to make local deliveries.

   The new terminal quickly became known as St. John's Park Terminal because the old terminal had been so well known as such. The terminal itself was large enough to accommodate 227 train cars. The third floor was leased in 1937 to the Borden Company, which used that space as a warehouse for refrigeration equipment.

   The New York Central Railroad was granted permission to cease servicing the St. Johns Park Freight Station on January 30, 1960.

   However, according to 1965 Port Facilities Maps (Volume 3) and the corresponding  Descriptions of Facilities (Volumes 1 and 2) rail service remained on the High Line as far south as Bank Street to service the Cold Storage Warehouse located at Gansevoort Street. This contradicts a previous Wikipedia entry that service on the High Line ended resulting in demolition south of West 14th Street.

   Demolition of the High Line south of Washington Street did not occur for several more years.

   The St. John Park Freight Terminal was decommissioned for rail service and converted to a warehouse. The building was renovated with 750,000 square feet of offices. It remains standing today, but largely unrecognizable as originally constructed; having been renovated, several times and modernized over the decades, as well as having had the upper stories constructed.

Employee Time Tables & Train Numbers / Symbols

   Shown below are several Employee Timetables showing the schedules for trains running the 30th Street Branch Line from Spuyten Duyvil to West 30 Street.

   Do not confuse first class passenger travel with freight first and second class prioritizing - these were not passenger trains, but scheduled high priority trains consisting of mostly of US Mail destined for the US Postal Service Package Sorting Building located on the block occupying Tenth and Ninth Avenues West 29th and West 30th Streets (the current Morgan Processing & Distribution Center); as well as Railway Express cars (usually refrigerated perishables) such as meats and produce.

   Furthermore, do not confuse a train number with the number of a individual locomotive, which is called a road number.

   Also understand, these timetables do not show local & yard train operations, which would consist of cars / loads for local industry set outs and pick ups to / from the various customers along the High Line south of West 30th Street. These would reflecting by daily switch lists. Employee Time Table also do not govern movements, they merely provide a schedule (time and day) for which a train *should* operate. Some trains operated daily, only on Saturdays or Sundays, or Holidays. If for some reason weather, mechanical issue, the train could be annulled (not run) or combined with another train later in the day.

   It should be noted, that in the timetables below westward equates to north.

New York Central RR Employee's Time Table
Electric Division & New York Terminal District
#47A - 6/15/1938; p61

   Speed Restrictions:
between West 36th Street and St Johns Park on the viaduct was 10 mph.
Between St. Clair Place (West 125th Street) and West 137th Street was 30 mph, and north of West 135th Street to Spuyten Duyvil swingbridge was 45 mph.

Locomotive Restrictions:
West 33rd Street Farm Yard - all locomotives with pony trucks, east end of tracks 6, 7, 8

authors collection
New York Central RR Employee's Time Table
Hudson Division & New York Terminal Division
#7 - 4/24/1960; p89 collection
New York Central RR Employee's Time Table
Hudson Division & New York Terminal Division
#8 - 10/30/1960; p87 collection

New York Central RR Employee's Time Table
Hudson Division & New York Terminal Division
#14 - 10/27/1963; p113 collection
New York Central RR Employee's Time Table
Hudson Division & New York Terminal Division
#20 - 10/30/1966; p140 collection

   In 1968, the merger of two great railroad rivals: the Pennsylvania and New York Central, formed Penn Central. Two huge struggling railroads were now consolidated into one really huge struggling railroad. While it was hoped a lot of duplicitous routes and services could be shed or at best merged; from the get go the writing was on the wall: it would be trucks that were delivering to the inner city - not trains.

   So freight traffic on the High Line and in the West Side Tunnel gradually fell off from two or three shifts daily to once daily, then thrice weekly, to twice weekly.

   On April 30, 1971; the Post Office Department, the predecessor to the current US Postal Service; terminated seven of the eight remaining mail trains (some of which still incorporated "RPO's" - Railway Post Offices) which would sort the mail enroute, and deliver and pick up mail to towns and cities along the route. The last mail train was between New York City and Washington, D.C (and this routing should not have utilized the West 30th Street Branch either). This train was abolished on June 30, 1977.

   Loss of this government contracted mail haulage was a significant nail in the coffin for the West 30th Street Branch, and the Morgan Parcel Sorting Facility. By 1969, there was now only two
first class trains utilizing the High Line (one in each direction): a combined mail and express (perishables). Just three years prior, there were eight.

Penn Central Employee's Time Table
Hudson Division & New Jersey Division
#3 - April 27, 1969; p274
#4 - October 26, 1969 p 274 (no changes for W30th St Branch)
RS = RiverSide, DV = DuyVil
authors collection

   By this era, most, if not all; of the Eastern United States railroads were either operating at a loss or bankrupt. Trucking took most of it, and what trucking didn't take was either damaged in Hurricane Agnes in 1972 that tore through the heart of Pennsylvania and New York; or financial stature of the United States in the late 1960's to early 1970's. New York City itself was dire financial straits and was technically bankrupt in 1975.

   This was the reason the Pennsylvania and New York Central merged into Penn Central, which unfortunately itself was an abject failure. The idea was correct, but executed poorly.
ConRail was then formed by the US Government to bail out the failing railroads; consolidate them, and a lot of the duplication of routes by formerly competing railroads, was now narrowed down to abandoning the most unfavorable and / or more dilapidated or circuitous routes. ConRail (its legal name: the Consolidated Rail Corp.) was a privately owned company, primarily in the freight hauling and terminal business; and as previously stated, it was established by an Act of Congress in 1975 to reorganize and consolidate five of the seven bankrupt Northeastern railroads.

   In 1976; seven railroads of the Eastern United States were bankrupt, or just about to be. ConRail began operations on April 1976 with 17,000 miles of track stretching from Boston to Chicago and St. Louis, and being armed with $2.1 billion of federal funding. Designed as a 10-year federal government experiment, ConRail was technically a private, for-profit corporation operating under a Board of Directors dominated by government appointees until it had repaid most of its debts, after which time ownership was to be returned to private interests. Which it was, and sold at significant profit in 1999.

   By 1978, the High Line saw only two carloads of freight per week.
ConRail also had turned to using their rail yards in the Bronx and New Jersey, and were using trucking for the "final mile" delivery. This was also the beginning of widespread usage of InterModal Containers. The container could go cross country by rail, arrive at a suburban terminal, be transferred to a truck with little effort and go to an urban industry. This loss of final mile freight traffic over the previous decades was not specific to the High Line, but was endemic to the rail transportation industry as a whole. 

   The end for the High Line finally came in 1980. The last freight movement was three refrigerated boxcars of frozen turkeys. The High Line was then shut down (allegedly temporarily) due to the construction of the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center, which would occupy the old New York Central West 36th Street freight yard and the offline rail-marine West 37th Street Freight Terminal of the Pennsylvania Railroad. The construction of the Javits Center required the as built "beginning" of the incline at West 35th Street to be demolished and replaced with a new curved incline at West 34th Street. The tracks were reconnected, but in this interim phase of disconnection, the last two freight customers relocated to New Jersey. So, Conrail no longer had any customers to serve along the High Line route.

   As a result, ConRail announced plans to abandon the High Line, but by law had to offer it for sale to any group that might still operate a freight line. The City of New York supported its abandonment and demolition. A transportation consultant, Peter Obletz, offered $10 (yes, ten dollars) to acquire the High Line for a minimal freight operation and Conrail accepted the bid, and Conrail could now avoid the costs of demolition to the tune of $5,000,000.

   The bid made by Mr. Obletz was under continuous challenge from local real estate developers and property owners, and there were several studies performed to check the feasibility of using the High Line for light rail service (passenger trolley) along the route and connecting the Javits Convention Center with Battery Park City and with it; the World Trade Center and the Financial District. The Metropolitan Transportation Authority, which operates the New York City subway and the commuter railroads: MetroNorth and Long Island Railroad; had no specific plan, but was negotiating with Conrail to acquire the line.

   By this time however, the property owners adjacent to and under the route, claimed the High Line had already effectively been abandoned, and with it; the easements over their properties lapsed. The matter was to be resolved either by the Interstate Commerce Commission or a special rail court. This eventually led to the creation of the High Line as a linear park, which it remains today.

   North of the High Line, the West Side Tunnel had become a haven for the homeless for several years; until the tunnel was chosen to be reactivated for Amtrak, of which they required more space than what was available to them at Grand Central Terminal.

   Furthermore, Amtrak's NorthEast Regional / MetroLiner / Acela commuter trains, and their long distance trains (including several now abolished trains); run on the NorthEast Corridor which
utilize Penn Station:    On the other hand, Amtrak's Empire Service (regional commuter service from New York City to Albany and Buffalo) as well as the long distance train counterparts to Chicago utilized Grand Central Terminal:

   A passenger wishing to transfer between trains at Penn Station and Grand Central Terminal, quite simply couldn't; because the trains were at two different locations "only" 1½ miles apart. Passengers either walked (not a viable option with a lot of luggage)
or they called a taxi cab, of which could take 30-45 minutes or more to navigate the typical mid-day Midtown gridlock with the meter running just sitting in traffic.

   So by 1991, what with all the upgrading and improvements, Amtrak was now able to route their New York based long distance trains in via Spuyten Duyvil, down the West Side Tunnel - now known as the West Side Connector (also known as the "Empire Connector" or "Empire Connection") and use Penn Station as a terminal. Amtrak could now put all of it eggs in one station, and would relinquish Grand Central Terminal to commuter trains of MetroNorth.

   Whatever mode uses it; freight or passenger railroads or a public park, by the High Line being saved is preserving the history of railroading in Manhattan.


Locomotive Confusion

   In a recent discussion in a Facebook group taking place in March 2024, one of the conventional reciprocating piston steam dummy locomotives was misidentified as one of the enclosed gear driven Shays that the New York Central operated in Manhattan. I have found other groups on the web, where this error has proliferated as well.

   During the late 19th and early 20th Century era of operations; locomotives that were expected to operate in the streets were equipped with a car body over the entire locomotive; as it was found that horses (the primary power mode for the everyman in those days) were easily spooked by the hissing steam, and movement of rods and linkage. So with a car body covering the locomotive, confusion results to "what's actually under there."

   This misidentification got me referencing my own page here, and I realized my locomotive data was very sparse and I had not touched this particular webpage in 14 years. And in those 14 years since I last worked on this page, quite a bit more images have surfaced and were known. So, it was time to dig out my builders records and get to the bottom of things and give this page some very needed attention.

   Photography was still in its infancy (much less portable photography), so images of the first locomotives are not common. By the 1890's and 1900's photography was a lot more prevalent, and so we have visual confirmation that the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad used 0-4-0T dummy locomotives for service on the West Side of Manhattan. 

   The 0-4-0T steam dummies were well suited for this work: small, compact and of short wheelbase to negotiate tight curves at street intersections, and only needed a small reserve of coal and water as it never ventured more than a few miles from its servicing facility at West 30th Street. As freight cars increased in carrying capacity; as well as better construction material - wood construction gave way to steel frames then steel bodies. This increase in weight led the railroad to upgrade to 0-6-0T steam dummies; which obviously had better tractive effort. 

   But you will notice in the roster below that some of the 0-6-0T dummies were of the same age as the 0-4-0T's, and also take note of which some of the 0-6-0T's had been rebuilt from conventional tendered 0-6-0's. This was typical for the era - and unlike the rather disposable economy of today. Railroads could and did in fact rebuild a locomotive several times (and other various types of heavy industries that operated large industrial machines). While being of great cost benefit to the railroads, especially for specialized operations; this has the disadvantage of muddling their history. Also, it is worth noting a few of these 0-6-0's began life as Grand Central Depot shunting locomotives for the passenger cars before the previous terminal was electrified in 1906, and then subsequently razed for the current terminal which opened in 1913.

   The enactment of the Kaufman Anti-Smoke Legislation in 1925 (to ultimately take effect in 1931); gave impetus to the New York Central Railroad (as well as all the other railroads operating in New York City) to find a method of propulsion for trains that did not emit smoke. In some cases electric was turned to, for rapid transit / passenger service. In others, diesel-electric was chosen for freight service. 

   Therefore, the American Locomotive / General Electric Tri-Power locomotives were developed for the New York Central. These locomotives could be powered off 660 volt DC third rail from Croton-Harmon to Spuyten Duyvil, under diesel-electric power south of Spuyten Duyvil, and battery power when operating inside of buildings and piers. And these later era of locomotives would continue to work Manhattan after the High Line constructed and completed in 1934.

Telling them apart..

   So to re-iterate; just because the locomotive was enclosed, does not mean it was one of the Shays. 

   Also, in examining the images below, you will clearly see:

   Yes, a lot of rail enthusiasts to this day; are still amazed and excited to learn that the New York Central Railroad owned and operated Shay type locomotives constructed by Lima Locomotive Works. Shay type locomotives are a type most commonly seen on mountain logging railroads in the Pacific Northwest and other timber and sugar plantation operations. They are well suited for low speed - high torque applications. But in their excitement, they are confusing the enclosed Shays built in 1923, with the other enclosed locomotives used at this location that were built before the Shays. So in short: 

An enclosed locomotive body does not equate to the locomotive being a "Shay" type locomotive.

   So, without further ado; here is a roster of locomotives known to have operated by the New York Central & Hudson River and later, by the New York Central Railroad on the streets and the High Line of Manhattan. 

   Please note: I have omitted from the table conventional uncovered (non steam dummy) locomotives from the roster, even though there are a couple seen working in the yards. I have omitted these as they were not specific for use in Manhattan. They brought the through train south from Albany and other points, perhaps switched the yard, and went back north. But I will include images as they seen operating on the streets of Manhattan. Which is makes the following Percy Loomis Sperr images so damn great: a heavy Pacific on the streets of Manhattan!

New York Central #3006 (or 3008?) ALCo Brooks; NYC Class K-11a; 4-6-2 "Pacific"
Looking north along West End Avenue & West 59th Street, Manhattan, NY - September 30, 1930
Notice the semaphore signals guarding street trackage over and behind tender.

NYPL Digital Archives
P. L. Sperr photo
added 05 April 2024



New York Central #1945 - 0-4-0? 0-6-0?
Looking north along Eleventh Avenue & West 54th Street, Manhattan, NY - September 30, 1930
(West End Avenue become Eleventh Avenue going south at West 59th Street)

NYPL Digital Archives
P. L. Sperr photo
added 05 April 2024



   Please note: I have omitted from the table conventional uncovered (non-steam dummy) locomotives from the roster, even though there are a couple seen working in the yards. I have omitted these as they were not specific for use in Manhattan. They brought the through train south from Albany and other points, perhaps switched the yard, and went back north. But I will include said images as they are seen operating on the streets of Manhattan. 

Third Rail

   Another tidbit gleaned from the images: the diesel-electric locomotives assigned to work the High Line (as well the electrified territory north to Croton-Harmon); had to have their pilot corners cut for clearance to the third rail. 

   What this means is, only diesel-electric freight locomotives having this modification could operate in electrified territory south of Croton-Harmon, to include the High Line. 

   This third rail and the extra long sleepers (ties) the support the brackets to support the third rail are not evident in the all the photos of the construction of the High Line and shortly after its opening in 1933. 

   This leads me to postulate the third rail was installed at a later date. This would not be of any importance, save for the fact that the ALCo GE Tri-Power locomotives were Tri-Power from the start: third rail, battery and diesel-electric!  

   But why not have a third rail capability on the High Line from the start? The Tri-Power prototype was built in 1928. The production models were built commencing 1930. The New York Central ordered them, knew the locomotives had third rail capability, but did not install a third rail on the High Line from onset? Something just don't quite jive here.

   The New York Times article at right states:

"All of the forty-odd locomotives bought by the railroad for the operation are diesel-engined and
will have special shoes for third rail operation north of Spuyten Duyvil."

   But as stated, in some of the later images we see a third rail installed on the High Line.

   But wait - recently acquired images of the Dedication Train, all taken on June 29, 1941; shows a third rail in some images and on some tracks, but not by others. The third rail may have used in locations where it would not have been "healthy" to run the diesel, such as inside the buildings and industries.

   Information is needed as to when the High Line was electrified, and on what date the third rail was de-energized..

Diesel-Electric Locomotives

   The only image known of a diesel-electric freight locomotive operating on the High Line is of NYC #8350 [ALCo RS3] shown below. This particular locomotive, because of clearance to the third rail had to have its pilot modified by cutting the corners out of it. 

   This modification would have been required for any diesel-electric locomotives that were assigned to operate in third rail territory, south of Croton-Harmon.

   Obviously, this would not be the only diesel-electric locomotive to have operated on the High Line, so there must be others (images as well as locomotives) and contributions are welcome.




Roster of New York Central Locomotives known to have operated in New York City

   Omitted from the roster are both conventional steam locomotives before the high line was built yet seen in the streets or in the yards, as well as conventional diesel - electric locomotives used after the ALCo / GE Tri-Powers arrived; because frankly these locomotives could and did operate system-wide - they need not be built specifically for Manhattan Freight Operations like the Steam Dummies, the Shays or the Tri-Powers were.

   According to the New York Central Railroad Report of Board of Director to the Stockholders, dated December 31, 1929; the New York Central rostered ten steam dummy locomotives on that date. But many more are known.

0-4-0T Dummy locomotives

road road # builder c/n build date cylinders driver
originally built as renumbered renumbered rebuilt renumber retired
NYC&HR  #2
NYC&HR  #3 Schenectady 3267 11/1890 15" x 22" 46" NYC #3 (1899?)
NYC&HR #4 Schenectady 2480 2/1888 15" x 22" 46" NYC&HR #11?
NYC&HR #5 (first) Schenectady 3265 10/1890 15" x 22" 46" NYC&HR #10 (first)
NYC&HR #6 (first) Schenectady 2954 2/1890 15" x 22" 46" NYC #6 (1899) 1913
NYC&HR #7 Schenectady 3266 /1890 15" x 22" 45" NYC&HR #11 NYC #7 (1899)
NYC&HR #9 (first)  Schenectady 1482 12/1881 15" x 22" 46"
NYC #1899 (date?)
NYC&HR #10 (first) Schenectady 1485 1/1882 15" x 22" 46" NYC #5 (1899?)
NYC&HR #11 (first)  Schenectady 2480 2/1888 15" x 22" 46" NYC #4 (1899?) 1909
NYC&HR #12 (first) Schenectady 2481 2/1888 15" x 22" 46" NYC #8 (1899?) 1909

   Please note that several locomotives in the above roster operated concurrently with locomotives in the below roster.


0-6-0T Dummy Locomotives

road road # builder c/n build date cylinders driver
originally built as renumbered renumbered rebuilt renumber retired
NYC&HR #2 (second) / #1900 Baldwin 6960 9/1883 18" x 20" 44" NYWS&B #112
NYC&HR 362 (1/1886)
NYC #2 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1912)
NYC #1900 (1922) 1922
NYC&HR #5 (second) / #1901 Schenectady 3134 /1890 18" x 24" 51" NYC&HR #96
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC #238? 255? (1899) NYC #5 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1913)
NYC #1901 (1922) 1924
NYC&HR #6 (second) / #1902 Schenectady 3281 /1890 18" x 24" 51" NYC & HR #130
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC #289 (1899) NYC #6 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1913)
NYC #1902 (1922) 1932
NYC&HR #9 (second) / #1903 Schenectady 4030 2/1893 18" x 24" 51" Beech Creek #33
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC #374 (1899?) NYC #203 (date?) NYC #9 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1911]
NYC #1903 (1922) 1924
NYC&HR #10 (second?) Baldwin 6970 10/1883 18" x 20" 44" NYWS&B #114 WS 114 (12/1885) NYC&HR #364 (1/1886)
NYC&HR #198
NYC&HR #201
NYC #10 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1907]
NYC&HR #10 (third?) / #1904 Schenectady 3162 /1890 18" x 24" 51" NYC&HR #88
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC #272?
NYC #241 (1899?)
NYC #10 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1914]
NYC #1904
NYC&HR #11 (second) / #1905 Schenectady 3460 3/1891 17" x 24" 52" Grand Central Station #11
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC&HR #428 (1899?) NYC #11 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1913]
NYC #1905
NYC&HR #12 (second) Schenectady 3804 4/1892 17" x 24" 52" Grand Central Station #13 NYC&HR #430 NYC #12
[0-6-0T Dummy 1903]
NYC #1906
NYC&HR #13 / #1907 Schenectady 2991 12/1889 17" x 24" 52" Grand Central Station #10
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC&HR #427
NYC #13 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1908]
NYC #1907
NYC&HR #14  / #1908 Schenectady 2708 8/1888 17" x 24" 52" Grand Central Depot #4
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC&HR #428
NYC&HR #425?
NYC #14 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1909]
NYC #1908
NYC&HR #15 / #1909 Schenectady 3147 /1890 18" x 24" 51" NYC&HR #109
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC&HR #268 NYC #15 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1918]
NYC #1909
NYC&HR #16 / #1910 Schenectady 3149 /1890 18" x 24" 51" NYC&HR #111
[0-6-0 tender]
NYC&HR #251
NYC&HR #270?
NYC #16 1
[0-6-0T Dummy 1918]
NYC #1910
1 = rebuilt to 0-6-0T Dummy by West Albany Shops, NY (New York Central Early Power, p.84 Al Staufer).

Lima Locomotive Works - Shay Type Geared Drive Locomotives

road road # builder c/n build date cylinders driver dia
renumbered sold retired scrapped
NYC #1896 / #7185 Lima 3235 11/10/1923 12" x 12" 36" NYC #7185 (date?) to Marcellus & Otisco Lake #7185;
returned due to cracked frame,
exchanged for NYC #7187

NYC #1897 / #7186 Lima 3236 11/14/1923 12" x 12" 36" NYC #7186 (date?) 12/1942 3/1944
NYC #1898 / #7187 Lima 3237 11/17/1923 12" x 12" 36" NYC #7187 (date?) exchanged for NYC #7185
Hurwitz Bros scrap 1947
NYC #1899 / #7188 Lima 3238 11/26/1923 12" x 12" 36" NYC #7188 (date?) 12/1942 5/1944
NYC #1900 / #7189 Lima 3239 11/26/1923 12" x 12" 36" NYC #7189 (date?) 12/1942 5/1944



American Locomotive / General Electric Tri-Power Locomotives

   All of the following locomotives were Tri-Power, meaning propulsion was of three methods: diesel -electric, storage battery and "straight electric" 600 volt DC third rail pick up.

   The prototype, NYC #1525 was built in February 1928; and was tested at various electrified New York Central yards and locations, including New York City. Following its demonstrations and testing, a revised locomotive body, leading to the production locomotives below.

   Specifications remained the same throughout the class. There were 39 production locomotives built, 4 of which were assigned to Michigan Central, a subsidiary of the New York Central, presumably for use at the MCRR Detroit Tunnel. It is unknown how many of the remaining 35 actually worked in Manhattan. Is it assumed they all did.

Prototype Tri-Power: NYC #1525
added 05 April 2024
NYC Road # ALCo c/n GE c/n order number build date NYC renumber retired notes
NYC #1525 67101 10326 (A-67101)   2/1928 525 (1936) 1945 GE Class:B-B-350/350-O-4GE286
prototype Tri-Power
diesel-electric / third rail / battery

wheel arrangement: B-B
weight: 175 tons
prime mover: Ingersoll Rand 300
rating: 300 hp
NYC Class: DES-2

converted to diesel hump trailer #479 in 12/1945

Production Tri-Power: Michigan Central #7530 - 7533
                                       New York Central #1526 - 1562
added 05 April 2024
GE Class: B-B-255/255-4GE286B
production Tri-Power: diesel-electric / third rail / battery

wheel arrangement: B-B
weight: 127½ tons
prime mover: Ingersoll Rand 300
third rail voltage: 600 VDC
horsepower rating: 417 (diesel) / 1300 (electric)
NYC Locomotive Class: DES-3
ALCo body style: T3-2
NYC Road # ALCo c/n GE c/n order number build date NYC renumber (1936?) retired notes
Michigan Central #7530 68355 11210 (A-68355) 5/1930 rebuilt to Hump Trailer #HT474
Michigan Central  #7531 68356 11211 (A-68356) 5/1930
Michigan Central #7532 68357 11212 (A-68357) 6/1930
Michigan Central #7533 68358 11213 (A-68358) 6/1930
NYC #1526  68359 11111 (A-68359) 7/1930 526 led the second Dedication Train
NYC #1527  68360 11112   (A-68360) 7/1930 527
NYC #1528 68361 11113 (A-68361)  7/1930 528
NYC #1529 68362 11114 (A-68362) 7/1930 529
NYC #1530 68363 11115 (A-68363) 7/1930 530
NYC #1531 68364 11116 (A-68364) 8/1930 531
NYC #1532 68365 11117 (A-68365) 8/1930 532
NYC #1533 68366 11118 (A-68366) 8/1930 533
NYC #1534 68367 11119 (A-68367) 8/1930 534
NYC #1535 68368 11120 (A-68368) 8/1930 535

rebuilt to Hump Trailer #HT476

NYC #1536 68369 11121 (A-68369) 8/1930 536 10/1955 scrapped 10/1955
NYC #1537 68370 11122 (A-68370) 8/1930 537
NYC #1538 68371 11123 (A-68371) 11/1930 538
NYC #1539 68372 11124 (A-68372) 11/1930 539
NYC #1540 68373 11125 (A-68373) 11/1930 540
NYC #1541 68374 11126 (A-68374) 11/1930 541
NYC #1542 68375 11127 (A-68375) 11/1930 542 11/1949 rebuilt to hump trailer #HT473
scrapped 5/1962
NYC #1543 68376 11128 (A-68376) 11/1930 543
NYC #1544 68377 11129 (A-68377) 11/1930 544
NYC #1545 68378 11130 (A-68378) 11/1930 545
NYC #1546 68379 11131 (A-68379) 11/1930 546
NYC #1547 68380 11132 (A-68380) 11/1930 547
NYC #1548 68381 11133 (A-68381) 12/1930 548
NYC #1549 68382 11134 (A-68382) 12/1930 549
NYC #1550 68383 11135 (A-68383) 12/1930 550
NYC #1551 68384 11136 (A-68384) 12/1930 551 rebuilt to Hump Trailer #HT475
NYC #1552 68385 11137 (A-68385) 12/1930 552
NYC #1553 68386 11138 (A-68386) 11/1930 553
NYC #1554 68387 11139 (A-68387) 11/1930 554 led the Dedication Train
NYC #1555 68388 11140 (A-68388) 11/1930 555
NYC #1556 68389 11141 (A-68389) 12/1930 556
NYC #1557 68390 11142 (A-68390) 12/1930 557
NYC #1558 68391 11143 (A-68391) 12/1930 558
NYC #1559 68392 11144 (A-68392) 12/1930 559
NYC #1560 68393 11145 (A-68393) 12/1930 560
NYC #1561 68393 11230 (A-68393) 7/1930 560 LaSalle Street Station, Chicago, IL?
rebuilt to Hump Trailer #HT472
NYC #1562 68393 11231 (A-68393) 7/1930 560 LaSalle Street Station, Chicago, IL?
rebuilt to Hump Trailer #HT471



New York Central & Hudson River / New York Central Railroad 

Steam Locomotives
Street Operations (pre-High Line - prior to 1934)
Manhattan, NY

New York Central #6 (first) 0-4-0T - Hudson Street & Vestry Street - ca. 1900
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 2954 - built February 1890
Looking northeast at 188, 190, 192 Hudson Street.
Train is heading (pushing) towards New York Central & Hudson River Freight Depot one block right (south).

Vestry Street streetcar (left edge of photo)

NYPL Digital Archives
13 February 2010


New York Central #9 (first) 0-4-0T - ca. 1898
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 1482 - built December 1881
Looking southeast at St. John's Park Terminal; Hudson Street  and Laight Street
King 1898 postcard
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #9 (first) 0-4-0T - unknown date
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 1482 - built December 1881
image used in "Memories of New York Central Steam"; Arnold Hass, 1980
photo not attributed - unknown photographer
added 23 April 2024


New York Central # [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
unknown builders data
Looking south-southeast along Hudson Street at Laight Street.
This is now the Holland Tunnel Exit Plaza.
unknown provenance, possibly NYPL Digital Archive
seeking original / hi res.
added 05 April 2024
.    .

Duplicate Shipping Receipts for freight delivery from Troy, NY to St. Johns Park Freight Terminal; Manhattan, NY- 1883
Form 24
authors collection
added 22 April 2024


New York Central #2 [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
D. Lowy & Co. Scrap Iron, 68 Tenth Avenue between West 14th and West 15th Streets.

collection of Terry Link /
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #2 [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
Lavelle collection 
New York Central Early Power, Al Staufer
added 22 April 2024


New York Central #6 (second) [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
unknown location
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 3281 - built 1890
collection of Terry Link /
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #8 [0-4-0T Dummy] - unknown date
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 2481 - built 2/1888
Smithsonian Institution collection
New York Central Early Power, Al Staufer
added 22 April 2024


New York Central #9 (second) [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
Looking east at Manhattan Refrigerating on Tenth Avenue / West Street; up Horatio Street to right.
cropped image to one below.
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 4030 - built February 1893
New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #9 (second) [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 4030 - built February 1893
Looking east at Manhattan Refrigerating on Tenth Avenue / West Street; 806 Washington Street; Horatio Street to right, Gansevoort St to left.

New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #10 (second or third?) [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
either: Baldwin c/n 6970 built 10/1883 (rebuilt 1907) or
 Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 3162 - built 1890
St. Johns Park Terminal, Hudson Street, Manhattan, NY
Lavelle collection 
New York Central Early Power, Al Staufer
added 22 April 2024


New York Central #11 (second) [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 3460 - built March 1891
St. Johns Park Terminal - Hudson Street, Manhattan, NY

collection of Terry Link /
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1902 - ex-#6 (second) - 1929
Looking north along Hudson Street at Laight Street; Manhattan, NY 
(St John's Park Terminal behind photographer.)
collection of Charles Warren
added 05 April 2024


unknown loco - New York Central Lines - West Street between King & Charlton Streets - March 6, 1929
Looking north-northeast.

NYPL Digital Archives
13 February 2010



New York Central #1906 [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
There is no history for a #1906 in the Schenectady builders records. It is believed #1906 was renumbered from #14 but this is unconfirmed.
Looking northeast in West 30th Street Yard - Eleventh Avenue & West 30th Street; Manhattan, NY
NYPL Digital Archives
13 February 2010



New York Central #1906 [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
There is no history for a #1906 in the Schenectady builders records. It is believed #1906 was renumbered from #14 but this is unconfirmed.
St. Johns Park Terminal; Manhattan, NY
collection of Terry Link /
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central Railroad # unknown - Eleventh Avenue* & West 13th Street - ca. 1911
*Photo caption on negative in error: the trackage shown is Tenth Avenue / West Street, not Eleventh Avenue.
Track routing was on Tenth Avenue south of West 30th Street Yard and this is where Tenth Avenue merged into West Street.
Eleventh Avenue ends at West 23rd Street, and Uneeda Biscuit Building which is located between Tenth and Ninth Avenues and West 15th and West 16th Streets;
and has unique arched windows on the top floor.
Furthermore, Wheeler and Hammond was a meat and provisions packers, and was located in the Gansevoort Meat Market. 34 Tenth Avenue is on the corner of West 14th Street.

Man on horse is a NYCRR Watchman / RR Policeman a/k/a "West Side Cowboy" escorting the locomotive as required by New York City law.
Bain News Service
George Grantham Bain collection

Shorpy Historical Photo archives / Library of Congress
added 05 April 2024



New York Central Railroad #11 [0-6-0T Dummy] - Meat Packing District - Tenth* Avenue & West 14th Street - ca. 1911
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 3460 - built March 1891
*Photo caption on negative in error: the trackage shown is Tenth Avenue / West Street, not Eleventh Avenue.
Track routing was on Tenth Avenue south of West 30th Street Yard and this is where Tenth Avenue merged into West Street.
Eleventh Avenue ends at West 23rd Street, and the sign on the building clearly states 13th Street Market.
Furthermore, Swift was a meat and provisions packer, and was located in the Gansevoort Meat Market. 34 Tenth Avenue is on the corner of West 14th Street.

Man on horse is a NYCRR Watchman / RR Policeman a/k/a "West Side Cowboy" escorting the locomotive as required by New York City law.
Bain News Service
George Grantham Bain collection

Shorpy Historical Photo archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Central Railroad #11 [0-6-0T Dummy] - Tenth Avenue* & West 26th Street - ca. 1911
Schenectady Locomotive Works c/n 3460 - built March 1891
*Photo caption on negative in error: the trackage shown is Tenth Avenue, not Eleventh Avenue. Enlarging the original file on Shorpy clearly shows West 26th on the street sign.
Track routing was on Tenth Avenue south of West 30th Street Yard, and a train can be seen three blocks in the background crossing the Avenue.

Man on horse is a NYCRR Watchman / RR Policeman a/k/a "West Side Cowboy" escorting the locomotive as required by NY City law.
Bain News Service
George Grantham Bain collection

Shorpy photo archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Central #unknown [0-6-0T Dummy] - unknown date
collection of Terry Link /
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central Railroad West 35th Street Yard - Eleventh Avenue & West 34th Street, Manhattan, NY - May 12, 1930
P. L. Sperr photo

NYPL Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024



St. Johns Park Terminal (pre -1930)
seeking hi resolution version of this image
added 05 April 2024


New York Central West 33rd Street Freight Station - Eleventh Avenue - ca. 1930
The impetus to getting freight trains off the avenues and streets of Manhattan.
Looking north.
unknown provenance, possibly New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


Lima Locomotive Works "Shay" Type & American Locomotive Co / General Electric "Tri-Power" Locomotives

New York Central #1896
[60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]; Manhattan, NY - unknown date (post 1923)
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3235 - built 11/10/1923
collection of Terry Link -
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1897 [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]; West 32 Street between Eleventh and Tenth Avenues, Manhattan, NY - ca. 1931
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3236 - built 11/14/1923
Looking east-northeast.
Donald W.Furler photo
collection of the Center for Railroad Photography & Art
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1897 [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3236 - built 11/14/1923
Looking east-northeast.
Lima Locomotives Works Catalog - Shay Type
image courtesy of
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1898 - [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]; Manhattan, NY - unknown date (post 1923)
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3237 - built 11/17/1923
collection of Terry Link -
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1899 - [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]; Manhattan, NY - unknown date (post 1923)
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3238 - built 11/26/1923
collection of Terry Link -
Keith Sirman collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1899 - [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]; Manhattan, NY - unknown date (post 1934)
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3238 - built 11/26/1923
Looking south at West 35th Street and Twelfth Avenue
Location marker 19 in map below.
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #7189 (former #1900) - [60 ton - 2 truck, NYC Class B-60]
Lima Locomotive Works c/n 3239 - built 11/26/1923
Running gear skirting removed.

image courtesy of
George Kadelak collection
added 05 April 2024


New York Central Railroad West 33th Street Terminal - unidentified Tri-Power
[DES-3] entering yard from Eleventh Avenue.
Looking northwest at
West 32th Street, Manhattan, NY - March 17, 1929
P. L. Sperr photo
NYPL Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Central #1536 
[DES-3] - West 30th Street Yard - June 2, 1931
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68369 / GE c/n 11121, built August 1930
Looking northeast along Eleventh Avenue
& West 31th Street; Manhattan, NY
P. L. Sperr photo
NYPL Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Central West 30th Street Yard 
- February 7, 1932
Looking northwest along Eleventh Avenue at West 30th Street.
P. L. Sperr photo
NYPL Digital Archives



Street &
High Line Operations - post 1934
Manhattan, NY

New York Central #1529 [DES-3] - West 33rd Street Yard
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68374 / GE c/n 11126, built November 1930.
Looking west-northwest
from Eleventh Avenue & West 33th Street - ca. 1931
Donald W. Furler photo
collection of the Center for Railroad Photography & Art
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1529 [DES-3] -  December 18, 1932
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68374 / GE c/n 11126, built November 1930.
Looking north
along Tenth Avenue at West 20th Street.
Escort "West Side Cowboy" is William Connolly
Location marker 18 in map below.
unknown provenance.

added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1541 [DES-3] - Tenth Avenue & West 16th Street - ca. 1945
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68374 / GE c/n 11126, built November 1930
Looking north on spur track into Merchants Refrigerating Cold Storage.
Note, no third rail.
Location marker 8 in map below.
unknown photographer
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1542
[DES-3] - Eleventh Avenue & West 49th Street -1936
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68375 / GE c/n 11127, built November 1930
unknown photographer
A. LaBianca collection
via S. Berliner
added 05 April 2024



New York Central #529 (former #1529) [DES-3] - 10:50 a.m, March 29, 1941
Last ride of the West Side Cowboy: George Hayde and Cyclone ride across West 18th Street

ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68362 / GE c/n 11114, built July 1930
Looking south along Tenth Avenue at West 17th Street.
Building is 101 Tenth Avenue with High Line trestle right center.
Location marker 10 in map below

unknown photographer (appears to be New York Central publicity photo - taken same date as photo below)
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #529 (former #1529) [DES-3] March 29, 1941
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68362 / GE c/n 11114, built July 1930
Last ride of the West Side Cowboy: George Hayde and Cyclone escort the locomotive and train of 14 cars of oranges.
Looking south along Tenth Avenue at intersection of West 26th Street. The white building is 259 Tenth Avenue - the R. C. Williams (wholesale groceries) warehouse.
Location marker 11 in map below
unknown photographer (appears to be New York Central publicity photo - taken same date as photo above)
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #1547 [DES-3] - unknown date (pre-1936)
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68380 / GE c/n 11132, built November 1930
unknown location
digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein

added 05 April 2024


New York Central #549(former #1549) [DES-3] - unknown date (post 1936)
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68382 / GE c/n 11134, built December 1930
looking northeast at intersection of Tenth Avenue and West 15th Street, Nabisco Buildings.
Location marker 17 in map below.

added 05 April 2024


ALCo / GE Tri-Power
[DES-3] #554 pulling south on High Line Dedication Excursion train through Bell Laboratories Building - June 29, 1934
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Looking north along High Line paralleling Washington Street, intersection of Bank Street in foreground,
Bethune Street on far side of Bell Building. West 12th Street and Jane street intersections in distance.
Location marker 6 in High Line Map below.
Note third rails to outside of southbound running track.

National Geographic magazine?
(seeking hi res version of this photo)
added 05 April 2024


 High Line Dedication Excursion train through Bell Laboratories Building - June 29, 1934
Looking north along High Line paralleling Washington Street, intersection of Bank Street in foreground,
Bethune Street on far side of Bell Building. West 12th Street and Jane street intersections in distance.
Location marker 6 in High Line Map below.
digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


 Real facts - not rail fiction: Not a "railfan special"

   These photos appear to be misattributed as a railfan excursion allegedly taking place on Sunday, July 30, 1950. While the date is not suspect; (note the 1940's cars in the last photo and the "Century" style lettering on NYC #554) do take notice in these images there are no children or women. One would expect a railfan excursion to at least have some children present.

   Furthermore, the men in the photos are wearing suits, white business shirts, or "work grays" (industrial uniforms / overalls). Very few men are without a tie. This would seem awfully formal for a railfan excursion!

   In the second image: almost dead center, one male photographer even has a work ladder set up against an abutment to stand upon it and another photographer crossing the lower track.
There is no way a railroad would allow a railfan or a member of the general public to do this. Then or now.

   My conclusion is, this event is some form of official excursion, not open to the public or to railfans. Something on the order of a Press or Publicity Special, perhaps an Employee Appreciation special, or something for the local businesses & industrial concerns.

   Another reason why I don't believe this to be a public excursion: no other images of this excursion seem to exist in any of the notable railfan photographers of the era: O. Winston Link, Dave Plowden, Jim Shaughnessy, Frank Zahn,
George Votava, Harold Fagerberg, to name a few. From the amount of photographers seen in these images, certainly there would be more images in circulation and published.

   There is of course a simple way to solve this: someone, anyone; please show me an advertisement or announcement in any magazine or publication that announces and offers tickets for a said railfan excursion
taking place on Sunday, July 30, 1950 in the New York area; and I will be very happy to correct the information here.

ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #554 (former #1554) pulling north the Official Excursion train through Nabisco Buildings - July 30, 1950
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Looking south on High Line.
No third rail on this segment.
Location marker 16 in map below.
digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #554 (former #1554) pulling pulling north the Official Excursion train through Nabisco Buildings - July 30, 1950
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Notice the photographer on the column with ladder and the other photograher walking across the lower track.

Looking south on High Line.
No third rail on this segment.
Location marker 15 in map below.

digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #554 (former #1554) pulling north the Official Excursion train through Nabisco Buildings - July 30, 1950
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Looking south down Tenth Avenue, Merchants Refrigerating spur in foreground.
No third rail on this segment.
Location marker 10 in map below.

digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #554 pulling north the Official Excursion train at St. John's Park Terminal - July 30, 1950
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Looking south along Washington Street at intersection of Leroy Street.
Location marker 14 in map below.
digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #554 pulling north the Official Excursion train at St. John's Park Terminal - July 30, 1950
ALCo / GE Tri-Power - ALCo c/n 68387 / GE c/n 11139, built November 1930
Looking west from Washington Street at intersection of Leroy Street (to right).
Location marker 14 in map below.

digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


Not Manhattan - LaSalle Street Station, Chicago, Illinois!
ALCo / GE Tri-Power [DES-3] #561 - unknown date
The building is 619 South LaSalle Street. The only way I was able to figured it out, was the locomotive had a notation of "LaSalle Sta" in the builders records!

digital image: Sam Berliner III archives
collection of P. M. Goldstein


Conventional Diesel - Electric

New York Central #8350 [DRS-6] - Eleventh Avenue & West 30th Street; Manhattan, NY - April 1957
ALCo RS3 c/n 80541, 1600 hp, built October 1953
Looking east on West 30th Street.
Location marker 2 in High Line Map below.
J. Shaughnessy photo
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #8350 [DRS-6] - Eleventh Avenue & West 30th Street; Manhattan, NY - April 1957
ALCo RS3 c/n 80541, 1600 hp, built October 1953
Note the third rails to the inside of the running tracks, and the notched pilot corners of the RS3 for clearance of the third rail.
This modification would be required for all diesel-electric locomotives that were assigned to operate in third rail territory, south of Croton-Harmon.
Looking east on West 30th Street.
J. Shaughnessy photo
added 05 April 2024


New York Central #8350 [DRS-6] - Eleventh Avenue & West 30th Street; Manhattan, NY - April 1957
ALCo RS3 c/n 80541, 1600 hp, built October 1953
Looking east on West 30th Street. First turn is High Line heading south, second one in background leads to US Postal Facility (white building).
J. Shaughnessy photo
added 05 April 2024


Penn Central #9666 - West 33 Street Yard; Manhattan, NY - ca. 1971
ALCo S4 (ex-NYC 8500/8600 series)
Taken from the West 34th Street ramp with West 33rd Street ramp in background.
Looking southwest.
Stan Goldstein photo
collection of Philip M. Goldstein
added 05 April 2024


Conrail #9540
EMD SW1500 (ex-Penn Central #9540 c/n 7355-31 - built 3/1972) - January 31, 1981
West 60th Street Yard,
looking south from West 72nd Street, Manhattan, NY
Allan Tannenbaum image
Getty images archives

added 05 April 2024


The following images are of the properties only - no locomotives.

West 72nd Street Roundhouse - ca. 1920's
Looking east from over Hudson river. Transfer bridges to right.
Associated Press photo
added 12 May 2024


West 60th - 72nd Street Terminal - September 23, 1937
Looking south from West 72nd Street. Transfer bridges to left of West Side "Miller"Highway.


West 60th - 72nd Street Terminal - ca. 1940's
Looking south from West 72nd Street. Transfer bridges to right of West Side "Miller" Highway, over.


West 60th - 72nd Street Terminal - ca. 1940's
Looking south from West 72nd Street. 


New York Central Railroad West 36th Street Yard - Twelfth Avenue & West 35th Street - May 30, 1934

Looking east at approach ramp and beginning of High Line. West 35th was dead-ended when the High Line ramp was constructed.
This ramp would be demolished in 1980 and a new ramp built at West 34th Street to accommodated the construction of the Jacob Javits Convention Center.
Looking east.
Location marker 1 in High Line map below.

P. L. Sperr photo
NYPL Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Central Railroad West 33th Street Yard - Twelfth Avenue & West 32th Street - March 4, 1937
Looking east at Eleventh Avenue Viaduct and Empire State Building, presumably from approach ramp of High Line.
Looking east.
Location marker 13 in map below.

P. L. Sperr photo

NYPL Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


New York Central High Line and West 30th Street, Manhattan, NY - 1934
Note, no electric third rails on High line.
Looking west-northwest.
Location marker 3 in High Line map below.
added 05 April 2024


New York Central High Line - date?
Looking north: crossover and jog in alignment in foreground is West 19th Street; double crossover is West 21st Street,
siding is West 23rd Street, crossover is West 25th, jog in background is West 26th Street,
with curve left at West 29th Street to West 30th Street.
Note, no electric third rails.
Location marker 4 in High Line map below.
added 05 April 2024


New York Central High Line - ca. 1934
Taken from the roof of the National Biscuit Company Building and looking south.
From bottom: track under construction is spur to Nabisco, foreground cross street is West 14st Street,
tracks entering through building is Cold Storage and Swift Company (zig zag of West Side Highway to right),
tracks through building is background is Manhattan Refrigerating.
Note, no electric third rails on running tracks, but there appears to be one on the Nabisco spur.
Location marker 12 in High Line map below.
added 05 April 2024


New York Central High Line - Tenth Avenue & West 14th Street - date?
Note, no electric third rails.
Looking north.
Location marker 5 in High Line Map below.

Kalmbach Library
added 05 April 2024


New York Central High Line - Washington Street & West 10th Street - 1936
looking west
unknown provenance


New York Central St. Johns Park Terminal; Manhattan, NY - 1933/1934
Note, no electric third rails.
Looking south.
added 05 April 2024


New York Central St. Johns Park Terminal; Manhattan, NY - date?
Southern terminus of the High Line - 550 Washington Street at West Houston Street.
Note, no electric third rails.
Looking south.
Location marker 6 in High Line Map below.
added 05 April 2024


   The following images are of G. W. Bromley Property Atlas Plates that I have stitched together to show the West 33rd Street Yards & Terminals. While property atlases are not 100% accurate for track placement, they are suitable for general layout.

Special thanks are in order to / Terry Link / and Keith Sirman for use of their photo archives of locomotive images.



New York Central & Hudson River RR - 1911
courtesy of


New York Central RR - 1929
courtesy of Richard Palmer collection


New York Central West 60th - West 72nd Street Freight Yards, Terminals & Piers

New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024



New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


   The 1932 Edition of Series Port Facilities Maps below have been digitized by the University of Missouri-St Louis. I have acquired a digitized set of the 1942 Edition from Universtiy of Texas - Austin. I have annotated these plates to identify the routing of New York Central West Side Line through Manhattan and the associated facilities served by that line.

   I am desperately seeking the 1953 Edition
and 1965 Edition ; at the very least - the segment of the High Line. We know they exist, but apparently have not been digitized. If you know where a set is located or have a set already digitized, please contact me at

1932: Plate 32: West 59th Street to West 95th Street 
Union Stock Yards, New York Central 60th Street Yard, Transfer Bridges, Roundhouse & Turntable, Piers and Piersheds
added 05 April 2024


1932: Plate 33 - West 26th Street to West 62th Street
New York Central West 30th Street Yard, West 33rd Street Yard, West 36th Street Yard;
including area offline rail-marine terminals of Lehigh Valley Railroad at West 27th Street, Erie Railroad at West 28th Street and
Pennsylvania Railroad at West 37th Street Terminals; and railroad pier stations.
added 05 April 2024


1932: Plate 34: Spring Street to West 28th Street
New York Central West 17th Street Yard; New West Washington Market, industrial and piershed sidings, West Street and Tenth Avenue running tracks.
including area offline rail-marine terminals of Baltimore & Ohio Railroad West 26th Street and Lehigh Valley Railroad West 27th Street; and railroad pier stations.
added 05 April 2024


1932: Plate 35: Battery Park to Spring Street:
New York Central St Johns Park Terminal, Hudson Street Canal Street and West Street running tracks.
added 05 April 2024



Map of New York Central's West Side Line - unknown year (ca. 1930) as the private right of way is proposed.
Spuyten Duyvil to St. Johns Park Terminal
dashed line shows street routing prior to 1933
solid line shows tunnel and High Line routing post 1937

added 05 April 2024


Port of New York Authority - Freight Terminal Map - 1934
authors collection
annotated by author © 2024 ~



1942: Plates 1, 2, 3, stitched: Charlton Street to West 42nd Street:
New York Central High Line: St Johns Park Freight Terminal, West 30th, 33rd, 36th, 41st Street Yards.
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1; commencing on page 60.
Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.

added 29 April 2024


1942: Plate 4, West 59th Street to West 77th Street:
New York Central High Line: West 60th Street Yard & Terminal, Grain Elevators, Transfer Bridges, Union Stock Yards.
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1; commencing on page 60.

Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.
added 29 April 2024


1942: Plate 6, West 131st Street to West 148th Street:
New York Central High Line: Manhattanville Yard.
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1; commencing on page 60.

Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.
added 29 April 2024


Note: Miller Elevated "West Side Highway", New York Central High Line and 1937 West Side Freight tunnel / undergrade are present.
Note how the New York Central RR Twelfth Avenue trackage to the piers as well as the Transfer Bridges and track leads has been eliminated as well.
New York Public Library Digital Archives
added 05 April 2024


1965: Plate 2, Spring Street to West 27th Street:
New York Central High Line.
Note the St. Johns Park Terminal is no longer shown with High Line trackage dead ending at Bank Street.
Cold Storage Warehouses 28 (Manhattan Refrigerating) and 30 (Merchants Refrigerating) still receive active railway service this date.
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1
Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.
added 11 January 2025

1965: Plate 3, West 27th Street to West 62nd Street:
New York Central High Line
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1
Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.
added 11 January 2025

1965: Plate 3, West 59th Street to West 95th Street:
New York Central High Line
Key numbers correspond to lists contained in Port and Terminal Facilities at Port of New York; Part 1
Yes, I have a copy, please email if needed.
added 11 January 2025

 The following compilation of plates is the entire length of the High Line, from the start of the incline at West 36th Street in the north to the St. Johns Park Terminal in the south. As new customers are learned of, their locations will be marked accordingly. Please note that the High Line consisted of two tracks or more for entire length. Location markers correspond to images in the above chapter.

original: New York Public Library Digital Archives
this annotated compilation © 2024 - Philip M. Goldstein /
added 05 April 2024



Duplicate Shipping Receipts for freight delivery from Troy, NY to St. Johns Park Freight Terminal; Manhattan, NY- 1883
Form 24
authors collection

Bibliography & References

Port of New York Terminal Facilities Gratz Mordechai 1885
Documents of the Assembly of the State of New York 1917
Report of the Commission to Investigate the Surface Railroad Situation in the City of New York New York, New Jersey Port and Harbor Development Commission 1918
Joint Report with Comprehensive Plan 1920
Water Terminal and Transfer Facilities for the First District of New York US Government Printing Office 1920
Port and Terminal Facilities, Port of New York; Volumes 1, 2 and 3 War Department, Army Corp of Engineers 1932, 1942, 1953
New York Central Early Power Alvin Staufer 1967
Memories of New York Central Steam Arnold Haas 1980
The Port of New York, Volume 1 and 2 Carl W. Condit 1981
Historic American Engineering Report NY-557A Thomas R. Flagg & Gerald Weinstein 2006

Like what you see? Suggestions? Comments?

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Main Page

American Dock & Trust

Glossary of Definitions Indicative to Rail / Marine Terminal Operations in New York Harbor Rikers Island
Astoria Light, Heat & Power Harlem Station  (Erie / EL) Seatrain Shipbuilding
Atlantic, Gulf & Pacific Harlem Transfer  (DL&W) South Brooklyn (NYCTA)
Atlas Terminal Jay Street Terminal / Connecting South Brooklyn Terminal / Brooklyn Marginal
Bronx Terminal  (CRRNJ) Long Island City (LIRR) St. George Terminal (B&O)
Bronx Terminal  (LV) Manhattan Freight Operations - West Side Line (NYC&HR / NYC / PC) Waste Management
Bronx Terminal Market Military Railroads of the New York Metropolitan Area West 15th St Freight Yard  (CRRNJ)
Bronx Terminals - Harlem River, Hell Gate & Oak Point Yards (NYNH&H) New York Container Terminal West 23rd St Freight Sta  (NYLE&W / Erie)
Brooklyn Ash Removal New York Cross Harbor West 26th St Freight Sta  (B&O)

Brooklyn Dock & Terminal

New York Dock West 27th St Freight Yard  (LV)

Brooklyn Eastern District Terminal

New York New Jersey Rail / Port Jersey West 28th St Freight Sta  (Erie / EL)

Brooklyn Wharf & Warehouse

North 1st Street Freight Station  (NYNH&H) West 37th St Freight Sta  (PRR)
Bush Terminal North 4th St Freight Station  (PRR) Wallabout Terminal  (DLW)
Comprehensive List of Transfer & Float Bridges Located in New York Harbor Phelps - Dodge Wallabout Station  (Erie)
Degnon Contracting / Degnon Terminal Pouch Terminal Wallabout Union  (PRR, NYC, LV, B&O)
Development of Car Float Transfer Bridges in New York Harbor Procter & Gamble 25th St / South Brooklyn Terminal  (DLW)
Double Ended Wreckers of the New York Area Queens Subway Apartment & Loft Building 65th Street / Bay Ridge Yard (LIRR / NYNH&H / PRR)
G & R Packing Railroad Operated Pier Stations of Manhattan 207th St Yard  (IND / NYCTA)